The summer beginning

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As we were getting off the train, Draco and I were both telling Harry  that if he needed absolutely anything he should send us a message right away.  Sadly, he couldn't live with us yet. I mean, it's not like his family would care, but Draco's dad is kind of a prat.

We all said our goodbyes and then we had it on our way. 

Draco would be a little longer when it came to getting back to the house. He always had some things to take care of when we got home for summer break.

I decided to slow my pace on the way home. I knew his mom would be there but I was  dreading seeing his dad.

Lucius and I have never seen Eye 2 Eye, but he tolerated me. I guess he thought if Draco was with me that I would pull him away from hairy. This of course is not the case, but I knew that he hoped it was.

He could hope all he wanted, but it would never happen. I love them both too much. I'm tired of seeing them hurt. They both been through enough physical pain, and I know they've been through mental and emotional pain too.

I just got back to the house and I have decided to wait outside for Draco.  I know for a fact his mother knew that I was home, but she wouldn't force me to come inside if I didn't want to. I think she knew I was waiting. She did however send one of the house elves outside to collect my things to take up to my room, and bring me a drink since it was warm out.

I smiled as I saw Draco turn the corner towards the house.  As soon as he was an arms length of me he gave me a hug. I smiled at him before we went inside. I knew he was nervous, because there was no sign to tell us if Lucius was home or not. The same house elf that took my things to my room appeared in front of us and told us that Draco's mother wanted to talk to us before he  took Draco's things to his room. He also reassured us that Lucius was not home.

I smiled at Draco reassuringly. His father wasn't home, so what could be so bad about his mother needing to talk to us?

The summer to remember Where stories live. Discover now