Chapter 9

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The next few weeks continue the same way. Everything seem to be going fine. We have been having a lot of fun, and we almost forgot that this summer was coming to an end very quickly.

In about two weeks it would be Harry's birthday. We were trying to plan a surprise party for him. When he was with his aunt and uncle, he had never really had anything special done for his birthday. They didn't really care about him.

Everyone who was involved had decided that Draco and I would keep Harry  distracted for a majority of the day, and then we would bring him back to the Weasley's house for the party. Even Narcissa was helping with the planning. She had been trying to rebuild her friendships with other witches and wizards that were not closely associated with Lucius. It seemed like it was going well, and she seemed happier. I of course was grateful for this.

After a few weeks of planning, it was finally time to start getting ready for the party.

Draco and I decided to make it appear like we were going to have a fun filled day with just us and hairy for his birthday. I plan some things for us to do that would be new experiences for both of the guys, Draco plan some things that would be new experiences for both Harry and I, and we both plan some things together that we knew would be new experiences for hairy.

We started the day with me cooking breakfast the non-magical way. We had eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, and pancakes. Draco was surprised at how good everything tasted. Considering it was not done with Majic. He said it even tasted better!
Then, we went on a magical ride over a lake. This was something that I had done before, but not for a very long period of time... we all enjoyed it.
Next, we went horseback riding, and then sat in a clearing and had a picnic lunch. I again had prepared this ahead of time without Majic. We had sandwiches, chips, a few different types of Gatorade, some fruit, and some cookies. They both seemed to really enjoy this.
Finally, we decided to take Harry around town to some of the shops that we still hadn't taken him to in the time that he had been here.

By this time, it was almost time to go back to the Weasley's house. We asked one of the shop owners if we could use the Flue  Network, and they said yes. We did not let Harry in on where we were going, because that would blow the surprise.

When we got there, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Narcissa, Jinny, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Bill, and Charlie were there. We would zoom later learned that Serious,  Remus, tongues, Luna, blaze, Neville, Theo, pansy, Daphne, shamus, Dean, lavender, Cedric, Chou, and several more people were there. We had no idea they were going to be this many people showing up for Harry's birthday, but we should've expected it.

The party looked amazing. The color theme was silver, gold, green, and blue. Harry looked so happy. I was glad that this made him smile.

For Harry's birthday, I had went out and got something special. It was jewelry, that had been in chanted to tell you exactly where the other people are, as long as they are wearing it. All you have to do is tap it with your wand and think of the person you want to find. They were all bracelets. Mine was a combination of green, gold, and silver. Harry's was a combination of green, gold, and blue. Draco's was a combination of green, Blue, and purple that was so dark that it almost looked black.  They were also in chanted to shrink down to where they would fit on our wrists comfortably, and they would not fall off. The only way they would come off is if we took them off.

We went through and did all the normal things that you would do at a birthday party. After that, it kind of just turned into a regular party. It was a lot of fun for everyone.

At the end, I offered to stay and help the adults clean up, but they told me not to worry about it and that all of the students from school could just go home and relax. They would take care of it and be home soon.

Everyone went back to their houses to relax. I went outside to wait for Narcissa to get home.

When she finally got home, we talked more about the divorce process. She said she was going to start it two weeks before we went back to school. This will give us a week to get stuff moved to my moms house, and another week to get settled in. I figured this was a great idea. She told me that she had already informed my mother of this, and I was grateful for that. After a little while of just talking, we both decided to go inside. We were tired, it had been a long day but a good day.

I fell asleep almost instantly, and for once I slept very peacefully.

*Writers note*
Sorry that it took me so long to get this part out. Things have been kind of chaotic. Please feel free to comment, or vote on the story or both.

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