Chapter 10

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It is now one week before we go back to Hogwarts. We've spent most of the time since Harry's birthday making sure everything is set up for Narcissa to Leave Lucius safely.

We have just gotten the rest of the stuff that does not belong to Lucius to my mothers house, and Narcissa  is unpacking in her room.

I'm sitting on my bed in my room while everyone is unpacking. This is when my mother walks in.

"Stella...? "

" yeah mom? "

"I've missed you." She said before coming to give me a hug.

"I've missed you too "

"I have faith that the divorce process will go smoothly for Narcissa" my mother told me.

"So do I. "

"Are you ready to return to Hogwarts? "

"Yes mom I am. But of course I will still miss you, dad, and Narcissa. "

"I know you will" she said

After that, she filled me in on everything that has been going on at home since I've been gone.  Then we went down to supper, and everyone had their favorite meal.

After supper we sat around playing games for a few hours and just talking. It was a lot of fun.  Then around midnight everyone started to get tired. We all decided to turn in for the night.

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't sleep. I wasn't sure why. Anytime I did try to sleep, my mind was filled with every possible situation that could happen when Lucius got the papers. He shouldn't be getting them until tomorrow, but I'm still nervous. I know I shouldn't be nervous, he can't do anything to me, but that doesn't mean he can't do things to the people I love.

I spent the next few hours before falling asleep figuring out all of the solutions to any of the situation I could think of that would happen. Then I fell asleep. I didn't remember falling asleep, but I knew I had to of at some point because the next thing I remembered was waking up in the morning.

*Writers note*
Sorry I've been kind of sporadic with uploading chapters. I should be back to uploading either every day or every other day this week.
I hope you all are enjoying the story so far.

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