Chapter 12

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*A few years later*

Draco hairy and I are still in a happy relationship. The divorce process is complete, and Lucius is not allowed to have anything to do with any of us. If he does, there will be problems for him. Of course no one went into specifics of what these problems would be, and he never tried to come anywhere near any of us. All we can assume is that he moved. Hopefully out of the country.

Everyone is doing well, and they are all happy. Narcissa is still living with my mother and father, and she seems way happier. Harry, Draco and I are about to get our own place. We are hoping to find a place with a lot of space. That way we can have plenty of room if any of our friends or family need a safe place.

We are also planning to start our own family within the next year. Harry says  that he won't be a good father, but Draco and I keep reminding him that not all of the pressure is on him. We will work together. Any children that we have will be just fine and will grow  up happy and healthy.

*6 years later*
Everything is still going well as I mentioned the last time I wrote. Now we have two children. Cora is almost 6 years old, and looks just like Draco. Liv just turned four years old, and they have both already shown signs of magic. Liv looks just like me, but she has Harry's eyes. We decided to get both girls brooms similar to the one Harry had when he was a baby. We wanted to start them off with flying at a young age. Hopefully they would both be just as good a Quidditch as their fathers one day. I never ended up trading places with Draco on the team that year, but I'm glad I didn't.

A bunch of the kids that we went to school with have started their own Quidditch teams. They're not professional yet, but they will be soon. Other than that, harry decided to take the defense against the dark arts teaching position at Hogwarts. Draco took the potions teaching position, and I took over the transfiguration classes that way the headmistress could focus on her paperwork without having to worry about teaching a class on top of that.

The  girls have pretty much grown up at Hogwarts. The only reason they're really allowed to live there is because all three of their parents are teachers, but everyone seems to love them. We of  course go home for the summer, and other holidays but it's just easier to keep them with us. Their grandparents are getting old, and while they are still resourceful, I feel like it would be too much for them to handle young children again. Plus as a mother I don't want to be too far away from them.

The end

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