The day in town

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The next morning after breakfast we decided it was time to head into town. We would be meeting up with the Weasley children and Hermione.

After meeting up with everyone, we decided to walk around town for a little bit because it was still kind of early. We decided to just catch up, and talk until after lunchtime. Then we would all be more awake, and there would be more stuff to do.

We decided to go sit under our favorite tree in town. It was directly at the center of town, so no matter which side you sat on you could see everything in that direction. It made for a great meeting place.  

While we were sitting there talking, I saw Neville across the street. He looked like he had lost something. After watching for a few seconds I knew what it was. He lost Trevor (his toad) he was always losing Trevor. It wasn't really his fault. He is kind of clumsy, but Trevor loves to get away.  I saw Trevor a few feet away from him. Without saying anything I got up, walked over to Trevor and picked him up. Then I took him back over to Neville.

"Hey." Neville said.

"Hi. Did you lose Trevor again?" I asked

He nodded his head. "Then it's lucky I found him. "I said while handing Trevor back to him.

"Thank you "

"It's no problem. The rest of the group is here, if you would like to hang out with us." I said

"OK. Let me take Trevor back to the house so I don't lose him again, and tell  grand where I'm going to be."

"OK. See you in a few minutes."

I  then went back over to the group, where i  almost didn't notice a new person with the group. It was Luna! I smiled and re-joined the conversation. I told the group that Neville would be joining us in a few minutes. They acknowledged what I said happily, and went along with the day. 

Neville soon joined us , and as it got later in the day more people decided to join us.  The conversation was at a point that did not really interest me, so I spaced out for a little bit. I almost didn't notice when Theo was talking to me.

"Hey Stella"

"Oh... hi Theo."

"Lost in your thoughts again? "

"As I usually am "

"Is everything OK? " he asked.

"There's just been a lot on my mind. "

"Well... You know I'm here if you ever need to talk. "

"Thank you Theo. "

"No problem"

We then once again re-joined the conversation. They were talking about Quidditch. Once they realized that I was paying attention, Draco said that he wanted me to try out for the team this year. I know I'm an OK Quidditch player, but I don't think I would be good enough for the team. He knows that. He said that we could practice a little bit over the summer, if I wanted. I accept it.

After that we all went and got ice cream.
Hermione got vanilla.
Ron, got  Chocolate..
Jinny God strawberry.
The twins got chocolate and strawberry swirl.
Neville got caramel.
Luna got a tiny bit of every flavor.
Theo got dark chocolate.
Harry got chocolate peanut butter swirl.
Draco got mint chocolate chip.
I got dark chocolate mint.

We went back to the center of town and sat under our tree while eating ice cream. After that we saw blaze walking by. I called out to him, and told him that he could join us if he wanted to. Which he did right away.

Blaze was one of the first people to know about mine, Harry's, and Draco's s relationship. Surprisingly he took it extremely well. Blaze was always a very excepting person, and any questions he had he was never afraid to ask. He always asked them  in an extremely respectful way though. I was grateful for this. Everyone was excepting, well... Everyone except for Draco's dad. The problem was... Not everyone knew how to ask the questions that they had. Harry  and I are not the best at explaining things, so normally we let Draco take care of that.

After we finished our ice cream we ran into a few more friends. Daphne, and pansy were  just walking around and talking. When they saw us, they came over and join us. We told them that we were all going back to Draco's and possibly going to play a game of Quidditch. They said that they wanted to join us, if it was all right with the group. The group, of course said yes.

We then  headed back to Draco's, stopped and told Narcissa what we were doing, and headed back outside to start the game.

The summer to remember Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz