Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning suddenly. I heard yelling coming from outside. I decided to go see what it was, so I slipped on my shoes and crept  downstairs.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. I could see outside, but from where I stood no one could see me.

"You are not leaving me! And there is no reason that you took Draco away from Malfoy manner!"

So that's what's going on... I thought to myself. Lucius must have gotten the papers and aperated back right away.
I kept listening. I heard my father (Jason) telling Lucius to leave. It was at that moment I realized that Draco still hadn't woke up. I went upstairs quickly and cast silencing charms around his room. That way he wouldn't wake up to this. Then I went back downstairs.

"I've told you several times Narcissa. You are not leaving me. You don't have a choice!" I heard Lucius yell.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to step in. I couldn't let any of my family or my loved ones that were here get hurt by this man. Not again.

I walked outside at that moment. My mother tried to get me to come back inside, but she didn't try very much. She knew what was about to happen.

"Lucius! You have no right to be here!"

"And who are you to tell me that little girl?"

"Funny you should mention that. While my parents do live here, and keep the place looking nice. Technically it is my name that is on the property. I will not have you making anyone on my property feel unsafe, or unwelcome . If there is going to be an issue, I can call in people from the ministry to make you leave."

He seemed taken aback by this. Then... He said. "You cannot stop me from seeing my son.  you know that right?"

"I do know that. The slight problem with your statement is he has already told me that he wants nothing to do with you. In fact, no one here wants anything to do with you. I will ask you one more time to leave my property and leave my loved ones alone. Otherwise I will have to call in reinforcements. "

He left at that moment, under his breath he was saying that he would be back and that I would regret standing up to him like that. And all the other... Typical things that villains say when they don't get their way. I smiled knowing that there was nothing he could do. Especially after we show the ministry the memories that we have. Including these memories.

We all went back inside, had breakfast, and then enjoyed a day as a happy family with our  friends and loved ones. The next day we went to Diagon alley to get everything we need for the next school year.

Narcissa had went with us as well, but she had specifically went to get the divorce process going. She also switched all of her money into her own account at Gringotts Wizarding  bank. This way Lucius could not take everything from her.  She even went as far as to change her last name. She was officially Narcissa Black again. 

There was officially a restraining order placed on Lucius, and at Draco's request Lucius  had no rights to Draco. He was old enough that he could make these decisions, but they cannot put the restraining order between father and son quite yet. They would be able to soon though.

They continued as normal, and nothing eventful happened for the rest of the summer. When they got back to school everything continues the same. Go to classes, hang out with their friend group, do their work, just another normal school year...

The summer to remember Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ