The racing mind

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As I was sitting outside trying to clear my head, there were a lot of thoughts that I couldn't get rid of no matter how hard I tried.

I was sick of the way the people treated both Harry and Draco. To a very small handful of people, Lucius might seem like a great guy... But he's not. He doesn't physically abuse his family anymore, and he doesn't exactly verbally abuse them. The thing with that is he makes the smallest comments to them that I can't technically say are verbal abuse, but they're just on the line of it. He finds any chance he can to say that something that they do is wrong, when it isn't. He has never directly taken anything out on me, although I know he wishes that he could. His way of taking things out on me is by making Draco and Narcissa feel worse about themselves. I've told him if he doesn't stop that I will report him, because my mother is very influential. He acts like he's not scared of me saying that I will report him, but I think deep down he is. He is influential, but he does not have the influence that my mother has.  Overall, Lucius is extremely prejudice, and cruel. He does not care about anyone but himself. Some people might say that I don't know that for sure, but I do. I've been living with them for almost 2 years now, and he has given me no reason to believe any different than what I believe.

Harry's family is a totally different story. They abuse him in anyway they can. His parents died when he was a year old and he was sent to live with his aunt, uncle, and cousin. They thought not letting him have anything to do with the magical world would keep him from going to Hogwarts, but that was not the case. I absolutely hate the way his family treats him. Harry has shown me his memories of his life, so I know he's not lying when he tells me this stuff.

Then there's Dumbledore... I have a lot I could say about the current headmaster, and I have  good reason for believing what I do about him.  This is another situation where Harry has showed me his memories. He tried to talk to Dumbledore about why he has to live with his aunt and uncle, when he has a godfather that is willing to take him in at The minute he is told that he can.  All Dumbledore will tell him is that it is  "for the greater good" I hate when people give  that answer. Normally it is never for the greater good.  As for why I really don't care for him as a headmaster... As a headmaster of a school like Hogwarts, even if you were sorted into one of those houses as a child. There should be no bias from you specifically when awarding the house cup.

(This has nothing to do with me being in slytherin)
It has to do with the fact that you awarded students for breaking the rules.  I understand that you want them to willingly do anything that you tell them, but awarding children for doing tasks that you normally wouldn't do until you were an adult, and working in that field... Having children do that is unbelievable, and not a good choice. You are treating them like puppets. What would happen if one day they decided that they weren't going to do what you wanted? Especially if you have as much power as Dumbledore.

These of course were  just a few things on my mind.
A few minutes later, Draco came out and sat beside me.
"Hey. "He said as he sat down.
"Oh... High. "I said
"Is everything OK? "He asked while looking into my eyes.
"Honestly... No. "I said in response
"you know you can talk to me about anything... Right?"
"Yeah... I do. I just needed some fresh air. I'm better now. "I said before kissing his cheek and standing up. "We should probably go check on hairy "I said before walking into the house

he got up and followed me.  When we  went to check on Harry, Narcissa told us
"He will be better in a few days. He had a lot of internal damage, but I think I've healed it. He should be ready to go by Thursday or Friday at the very latest."
We both smiled at hearing this. Then we all went to our rooms to relax.

I decided to send a letter to Hermione letting her know that Harry was safe. The letter read as follows.

Draco and I went and got hairy last night. He is going to be staying with us all summer because Lucius is on some sort of business trip. He had some injuries when we got him, but Narcissa fixed him right up. She said he should be better by Thursday or Friday at the latest. I know you are with Ron and the rest of the family, so can you please update them on all of this? Also I know Mrs. Weasley will want to see him. If she wants, we can come over for supper one night after he is feeling better. Yes Draco will be coming along with us. I know everyone is still a little skeptical of him, but he doesn't want to leave Harry's side as much as I do. Even if narcissist says he should be fine by Thursday or Friday, we still want to keep an ion him for a few days. Please send my love to the rest of the family, and right back soon. I can't wait to see you.
With love,
Stella rose

Hermione wrote back right away. She thanked me for updating her on what was going on, said that the family sends their love, and said that Mrs. Weasley would like us to come over for dinner on Sunday night. I sent her a response telling her that we would be there, and laid down until suppertime. I must've been more tired than I originally realized because I fell asleep right away.

A few hours later, Draco came and woke me up and said it was time for supper. When we walked down to the dining room, we had been informed that Narcissa was eating in her room tonight so the three of us could have some privacy.

As we were eating, we decided that it was too quiet so we were having random conversation before I asked Harry what he wanted to do this summer. He said he wasn't sure. He had never been allowed to have fun when he was with his family. I smiled before telling him that eventually we would have to go flying around so he could break in his new broom. His eyes widened at this.
"You guys didn't have... "
I cut him off. "We didn't have to but we wanted to. You deserve it. And besides we want this to be a good summer for you. "
He smiled before coming around the table and giving both of us a hug.
From Wednesday to Friday, we spent the time just playing random games. By Friday at lunchtime, Harry had told us that he was feeling a lot better. We were both extremely relieved to hear that. At this point I told everyone that Mrs. Weasley had invited us over for supper on Sunday. Narcissa  Had  been expecting this, so she had also made plans for herself to go out that night and have a little fun. She deserved it just as much as the rest of us did.  

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