The plane ride...

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Katy’s POV-

Im currently sat in a jet... to the UK...

After the last rehearsal we had, I had a couple days off just to chill out for a little while, so that’s what I did.

I stayed in at home, relaxing, watching movies and just getting ready for my month in the UK! I love being on tour, it just allows me to get away from so many different things for a while, and I just get to have so much fun!

I hadn’t spoken to many people on my time off either, ive had a couple of family members over, to say goodbye, a couple friends, other than that, I had heard nothing until last night when Tamra text me with information regarding today.

I’ve been sat in the jet for 6 hours now, and I don’t know how much longer this flight is going to take. It’s all so quiet, I’ve had a small nap but I’m finding it hard to sleep, because of things running through my mind and the fact that it’s still only late afternoon, so I know if I sleep now, I’ll have a lot of trouble getting to sleep tonight, and I don’t want to be tired for my first show tomorrow.

It’s only me, Tamra and Brad on the flight at the moment, I’m not sure when everyone else is planning to fly over, or if they are... Brad’s asleep in his own little cabin were as I’m in the main area sat next to the window. Tamra’s way in front of me sitting on her sofa with her back towards me. I can see she’s watching a movie on her macbook, her earphones are in and she’s so still. I need to go and talk to her, I’ve been meaning to go over for the past couple hours but I can’t bring myself to!

‘Oh Katy, pull yourself together...’ I mentally slapped myself for being so weak and stood up. Nervous as anything, I slowly made my way over to her. She must have seen my reflection in her laptop or something because before I approached her, she turned around with a small smile and a confused look on her face.

The look she gave me made my heart melt, gosh, why does she do this stuff to me?

“Hello...” I said quietly. I surprised myself that she could actually hear me I said it so innocently with a whisper...

“Hi” She smiled back, looking at me but not keeping eye contact.

“Can I sit with you?” I pointed to the space on the sofa, currently covered with the remains of her blanket that hung down off her lap.

“Sure...” She started to move her belongings over a little so I could sit down. She grabbed the blanket off the sofa when I interrupted her.

“No  need” i said, laughing a little as I sat down and took it back out of her hands. I placed the blanket over my lap so we were both underneath. “I’m freezing, you gotta share a little right?” I winked, trying to lighten up the mood.

I wasn’t sure what was wrong, but Tam didn’t seem herself at all... I couldn’t tell if she was upset, or nervous or shy, but I wanted to find out...  The only thing I know is that she wouldn’t tell me, even if I asked.

I thought that this would be the opportunity to tell her about Shannon and I... What happened that night she stayed over mine. It has been running through my mind ever since, but only in the way where I feel awful. Awful for Tamra that is... I didn’t want to hurt her in the slightest, but I don’t what’s going to hurt more; Finding out from me now, or finding out from someone else later.

I realised that I’ve just been sat here thinking to myself in silence for the past 2 minutes, I took a deep breath and turned to her.

“Look, I gotta tell you something-“

“Katy, I need to tell you something-“

We both spoke at the same time...

“Sorry, you go...” I laughed, edging her to tell me her story first...

She took a deep sigh and looked down towards her lap.


I had to tell her, I need to tell her how much she means to me. I can’t live like this anymore. I’ve been feeling so down about everything these past couple of weeks. Everything she does drives me crazy, everything she says, the way she smiles, the way she laughs, her sense of humour, even being this close to her now is driving my insane.

“Katy, I need to tell you something that I have been wanting to get off of my chest for a long time...” I took a deep breath and and looked up at her. Come on Tamra... “You mean a lot to me... I mean, I really feel, like, you are just- What I’m trying to say is, I like you a lot. Everything about you and I just don’t know what to do... The past couple weeks have been so confusing for me, and all i’ve wanted to do this whole time wa-“

I was cut off, by Katy. I looked down, down to where her hand was. She had moved in closer to me and placed her hand gently on my thigh. With her right hand she lifted my chin up so our faces were millimetres apart from eachother. The next thing I know, my lips are pressed against hers, but neither of us move.

We stay sat for a couple seconds with out lips just pressed against eachother, no movement, no passion, no talking and I love it... The one kiss is speaking a thousand words and I never want to pull away. I grab her hand from my thigh then open my eyes, she’s staring straight back at me with her bright blue orbs. I blush and pull away, still staring into her eyes. Her makeup less, natural beauty takes my breath away.

“Actions speak louder than words... I thought I’d help you out a little...” Katy said, breaking the silence as she bit her lip.

“No... I’m glad you did... well, That’s all I wanted to do-say really...” I replied, still a bit taken back from what had happened. It was perfect.


I took the chance and kissed her, hoping that it would help her get her words straight. She was stumbling and I could tell, she was nervous...

We spent the rest of the flight cuddling up on the sofa watching films off the laptop.


“Yes?” she looked down to me as I was laying on her side with her arm over my body.

“Tonight, when we land, I want to take you out, for dinner.” I smiled up, “No questions... we’re going.”

“Well if i don’t have the choice... Thank you, I’d love that”

She kissed my forehead and I smiled happily, she couldn’t see my face, but I could feel her eyes on me.

I guess I won’t tell her about me and Shannon right now, I mean it’s not that big a deal is it? 


I know what you're thinking... An update, (YAY)

lol, sorry for the long wait... My life has been pretty hectic now im back at college!

If you're still reading this (Thankyou...) 

I pinky promise I won't leave the next chapter this long!

SO TELL ME, who has been to PWT so far?! Tell me about your experiences?!

If you wanna know about mine, Let me know, I'll post it on the end of the next chapter!

Love you guys, thank you for staying with me!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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