I can't believe you know?!

441 22 6


I was sat in the corner of the room with Ferras, chilling out and cooling down after a heavy dance practice, I still had another hour to go before we finished, but it was nice to have a break.

I had my water bottle in my hand, and my phone in the other. Sweat covered my forehead and top lip and I sat there, trying to regain my steady breathing. In the room with me were all of my dancers, Brad, Ferras, Mia, Shan and Johnny, as per usual of course, we all spend our lives together pretty much.

Everyone was dotted around the large dance room as the Choreographer had given us a 10 minute break.

I looked over to the other side of the room, and there was Tamra, laughing and standing with Brad. I looked down, remembering Shannon and I suddenly felt really guilty again.

“What’s up Kate, What has happened?” Ferras nudged me. I looked up at him and shook my head, taking a sip out of my water bottle.

“Nothing? w-why would you think something is wrong?” I replied, looking away, towards the other side of the room.

“You’ve been off focus all day, what’s going through your mind, come on, you can tell me...” His voice sounded softer, and I felt like I could let him in...

“I just, I feel, so guilty...” I sighed, not having the strength to just tell him straight out about how I was feeling. My heart started beating fast again, but not because of the exercise, because of the worry and nervousness that ran through my body.

“About...” Ferras carried on again, taking a sip of his tea.

“Ta- Tamra...” I said bluntly, not making any sense. I looked over to her again, she was facing the other direction as she looked into a phone screen with Brad, watching something.

“I knew it had something to do with her...” Ferras spoke up, “Come on, open up to Ferras now!!” He said, in attempt to make me smile.

At this point I was in a complete daze, a daydreaming, staring at Tamra, but I wasn’t unaware of what was happening, I could hear Ferras, I listened to him, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of the woman on the other side of the room.

I shakily took a breath in, and began to tell Ferras the story...

“... So I’ve basically been pushing her away, and the more I hold up my guard, the more I realise that I feel something for her... Anyway, last night... I um, I sl, slept with sh-someone else, and now I feel awful, guilty, like I’ve gone behind her back Ferras, It’s not right...” I finished and looked around.

“oh... Who did you sleep with?”

I knew this was coming... I didn’t answer, I just looked over to her on the other side of the dance room, talking with Mia.

“You didn’t?...” I heard Ferras, I looked up to him, he was staring at Shannon, he must have followed my gaze.

“I did...” I bit my lip, looking down and taking another sip.

“Oh god katy... What are you gonna do now??”

“I don’t know, I just need to give it time, and hope that Tamra doesn’t find out...”

“ALRIGHT GUYS, COME ON, we got 40 minutes left, let’s make it count!! From the stop!” The choreographer called, disrupting mine and Ferras’ conversation.

I looked up at Ferras as we both stood up, I gave him a sympathetic look as if to say I need his help.

“Ferras, please don’t say a word, not yet, not until I know...”

“Girl, you know I won’t say anything, I swear!” Ferras held my hand loosely as we walked back over to the center of the floor, Tamra looked over at me and smiled, so I smiled back, still feeling guilty...


“No problem bb, come on, let’s get the rest of this rehearsal over with...”


I couldn’t get mine and Katy’s conversation out of my mind, I couldn’t believe the situation she was in, so much was going on and I honestly felt awful for her!

I was walking back to the parking lot with Mia, seeing as we share an apartment together, we pretty much go everywhere and travel together all the time as well.

“Why’re you so quiet shitface?” I heard Mia speak, which made me laugh... We always call each other abusive pet names.

“nothing, just a lot going through my mind, that’s all.”

“You won’t believe what I’ve been told today...” She spoke again, which made me curious.

“Go on?...” I edged her on to speak, but she shook her head.

“Oh no, I mustn’t, I’ve been sworn to secrecy.” She bluntly replied with a smirk. She always does this, but usually I always get things out of her. She just likes to see me desperate to hear gossip, which is sometimes fairly true.

“By who?...”

“Shannon...” I froze, and looked at her, my eyes squinted... She doesn’t know......

“Oh yeah?”

“yeah...” she looked at me, like me, her eyes squinted.

She chuckled. “You don’t know...”

“know what?” I questioned, knowing I’ll get it out of her.

“What I know...”

“well, you don’t know what I know.” I spoke back, both our eyes still squinted as we questioned each other. “Who’s yours about?”

“Shannon.” She said bluntly. “yours?”

“Katy....” Hang on... We froze and gasped.

“YOU KNOW?!” we yelled at the same time.

“I can’t believe she told you?!” She shouted at me...

“I can’t believe Shannon told you! Katy said she told Shannon not to tell anyone!” I yelled back.

“What are we gonna do?!” She sighed.

“I don’t know, but we have to think of something. By the sounds of things, Katy’s head over heels for Tamra.” I spoke, looking at her and biting my lip.

“And from what Shan has told me, She’s head over heels for Katy...” She responded, unlocking the car.

I bit my lip.

“This could get complicated. But we’re gonna help...”

A/N- So here you are! As promised a longer and more exciting update!

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WHat do you think is up Ferras' and Mia's sleeve?

I'm gonna update when this story gets 1000 reads! It's nearly there, which I can't believe!


Love ya!

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