Awkward vibes...

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The next morning was tough; I didn’t even feel like trying to get up. I looked over at my alarm clock that was positioned on my bedside table and it read ‘7:30’ AM, I grunted and fell back onto my bed, covering my sleepy face with my hands. After rubbing my eyes, I began to think and remember things... Last night... rehearsal... after... TAMRA!! I gasped and sat up, remembering fully what happened, and what I said. I felt awful, and I needed to speak to her today.

I grabbed my phone from next to my pillow, I have a bad habbit of letting it stay there during the night, and saw I had one new text message from Tamra... I nervously clicked on it, not wanting to read what it said but never the less my eyes skimmed the text anyway.

‘Rise and shine, got a record meeting today, at 11:00 am, I’ll be over to collect you at 10:00, don’t forget to take your vitamins and pills, they’re in the top shelf, above the kettle.’

That was it?.. That was all she text me?! Well actually, I’m not surprised, after everything that happened, I wouldn’t blame her for not wanting to speak to me ever again, she must’ve felt mortified. But why did I do it?! I was scared... I need to sort this out with her. It kills me knowing that she’s probably the most embarrassed human in the world right now, yet she doesn’t fail to still help me. That shows something... the fact that she hasn’t decided to quit on me.

Although one thing I did then just notice, was that there was no text from Shannon... Every morning I wake up to a text from her without fail. I have for the past 5 years, it’s kind of like a best friend tradition but this morning, nothing... I text her.

‘Well, nice to hear from you this morning then...’ I sent, I then clicked onto Tamra’s name and sent her a text.

‘Thank you, actually Tam, we need to talk, can you come over any earlier?’

Almost instantly I had a reply. ‘Sure, what about 9?’

‘Perfect... thanks x’ I sent for the last time and then decided to get ready and do some house work before Tamra arrived.



I was on my way to Katy’s, just thinking to myself. I honestly didn’t really feel like doing anything and I was actually feeling quite mortified, after what happened and how she just changed her mood and made me look like an idiot. I knew things were just going to be so awkward between us now. This would be the first time that we actually see each other since in happened, oh god. I don’t want to see her... I can’t

As I pulled up to her house, I saw her standing in the window, then she moved and her front door opened. It kind of looked like she had been waiting for me to show up, as if she’s nervous or something? I don’t know... But I sure as hell know I am!

I tried to do everything I was doing a lot slower, so it would take more time to actually face her, but then I realised that I need to stop shying away. I got out my car, ‘like ripping of a band aid’ I thought to myself as I approached her door. She was stood there smiling, almost looking like she felt sympathy for me...

She was wearing her high waisted short shorts, a white lace bralet and a light floral kimono, paired with a pair of sandals. Her hair was down and naturally wavy, she didn’t need to do much to it, it always looked stunning. Her makeup was natural, hardly any was worn and her true beauty was showing. Her freshly waxed legs looked super long in the shorts she was wearing, my god she looked so hot and flawless and I just couldn’t stop think- “Are you gonna come in or are you just gonna stand there checking me out?” Her voice stopped my thoughts and I was bought back into the real world.

Oh god, how long was I stood there for eyeing up her body?! Awkward... I smiled nervously and began walking into her house. She followed closely behind me into the kitchen and I laughed to myself as I saw bags of vitamins and pills all over the counter. I stopped suddenly, causing Katy to bump into me behind.

“Oop, sorry...” She chuckled and stood back, laughing nervously and running a hand through her hair. “Look Tam, about night..” She went on and I stopped her, not wanting to talk about it...

“Don’t worry Katy, just forget it, it was a mistake I get it, a spur of the moment thing, just let it go.” I killed me to say it, and I hated myself for saying it because as much as I loved it, I didn’t want to awkwardly discuss it.

Katy nodded and shut her mouth, but I wasn’t convinced that she didn’t want to keep it in.

“Anyway... We’d better get going Katy, I don’t wanna be late for this meeting...”

I felt like such a bitch, and I could definitely feel awkward tension in the air, it was so painful. I just wanted to hug her, I really did.

Again she nodded and walked away without looking at me, I presume she went to fetch her purse and once she did we made our way out of her house and into my car. I braced myself for the awkward and silent journey into the centre of LA.

I don’t want it to be like this, It pains me so much...


A/N- Do you guys like this story? Please give me feedback! 

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