You can't say a thing.

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First off guys, SORRY for the absence! I’ve been away so I haven’t been able to upload the next chapter, but I’m back now! And I’m ready and excited to carry on with my story, Thanks for being patient, I hope you enjoy the rest of this fanficJ



I woke up to the sound of a car honking its horn down the road. As I opened the surrounding room was dark, with the morning sunlight creeping through the cracks in the curtains. I wiped my eyes with my hands as I stayed led in bed. Yawning, I stretched my arms out and almost jumped when I hit someone led next to me in my bed. I quickly looked to my left to see Shannon asleep facing me.

Her hair was messy and spread out around her head and face on the pillow. As I looked at her I saw she had no top on and I froze. Looking under the covers at myself, I saw that I too was naked. Guilt, regret and heartbreak suddenly filled my mind. Tamra.

I slowly started remembering what had happened the night before, I mean, I hadn’t been drinking, but the amount that was running through my mind, I couldn’t remember everything.

I slept with Shannon. Oh god... Why?! How did this even happen?!

I slowly sat up on one elbow, holding my duvet up to my chest so it didn’t fall down. “Shannon, Get up now” My morning voice sounded croaky as my first words for the day slowly escaped from my mouth. She stayed asleep, so I nudged her. “Shannon!” I shouted loudly, and to my surprise, she actually woke up.

She stretched and moved onto her back, slowly opening her eyes and smiling. “Morning...” She spoke, rubbing her left eye.

“Shannon, you have to go.” I stated without even looking at her.

“What? Why?” This time she sat up, like me, holding up the duvet to her chest.

“Last night shouldn’t have happened Shan...I feel awful! I don’t even remember how it happened.”

I couldn’t stop thinking about Tamra, it broke my heart knowing that I had slept with Shannon, even though I liked someone else. I felt guilty as anything. “please, just go home, I’ll text you later.” I said bluntly.

Without saying a word, she got out of bed and put on the clothing that she arrived in last night back on.

I could so tell that she was in a bad mood with me, that best friend instinct. I honestly don’t know what’s going through my head at the moment. So many thoughts are rushing through my mind, but they’re all about Tamra...

What if she found out Would she be mad? She can’t be... I mean, we’re not together, right?

“Shannon, please don’t say anything, please?” I pleaded as I began to get out of bed, I looked over to her and she gave me a look before leaving the house. I knew she had gone when I heard the front door slam. I sighed to myself and dropped my face into my hands.

About an hour later, I was now completely ready, in that time I had a text from Tamra, saying she would be making her way over so she can pick me up and we g=can go and finish the last of the dance rehearsals. They finished at 2 today, thank god. Sometimes they drag so much but I like the fact that I get to spend so much time with my crew...

The question is though, do I tell Tamra about what happened with Shannon?..


A/N- This update is quite lame, I’m sorry! But I have gotten back and completely forgotten where I had left this story at!

I promise there will be better updates to come ( I have a few ideas...)

Do you think Katy should tell Tamra? Or should Tamra find out, by someone else?

Kamra?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat