I can't believe I said that...

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It has been a week since my brake up with Erika... I guess we ended on good terms, I mean I don’t know to be honest. I haven’t really spoken to her since. I have spent so much time with Katy and the rest of her team and we’ve been working so hard on rehearsing for her world tour that starts in a couple months.

We actually have a rehearsal today, but nothing to major, mainly for the dancers and Katy, but being Katy’s assistant of course I need to go as well. Our rehearsal today I guess is a mini dress rehearsal, we’re going to be rehearsing in a arena that we’ve asked to use for the day just to get an idea of how big the stage is going to be etc, so it’ll be cool I guess.

Ever since the little party at Katy’s house, I have been getting a lot closer with the team and honestly it already feels like I’ve known them my entire life when actually it hasn’t even been a couple of weeks yet, that is how welcoming they are. Katy and I are extremely close now, which is a good kind of bond for us to have, you know, me being her assistant and all. Sometimes I actually wonder if she remembers what happened between us at the party but even if she did, would it mean anything to her? It was just a game, so I highly doubt it would... The thought of seeing her gives me butterflies, is that normal? I guess I’m extremely nervous but I have no idea why. Ah well...


“Okay, okay That’s enough for today! Good work everyone, we’ll go over the same tomorrow!”

Dance rehearsals were over and everyone rushed to collect their things. A lot of people had gone home already but I decided to stay on for a little while longer and just take everything all in, seeing as I had nothing else to do!

I walked around the auditorium, staring at the thousands of empty chairs that would be filled with fans calling Katy’s name, but right now, there wasn’t a single sound. Anything that did make a sound echoed throughout the arena. My shoes were creating a wave of noises that circled the building.

Once I had finished in the arena I shut the lights off and took a walk backstage. As I walked along the corridor, admiring all of the set and staging that had been carelessly thrown or pushed towards the walls I saw a light at the end. Someone was still here.

I walked closer and closer to the room and went inside to find Katy sat on the sofa, out of breath and sweaty from the dance rehearsal. She had her knees up to her chin and her arms wrapped around her folded legs, she was staring at the wall so I went and sat down next to her, she didn’t move or make a sound. I nudged her arm gently.

“Okay, what’s up, you?” I spoke gently, staring at the side of her head as she faced forward.

She shook her head in response as if to say nothing. She didn’t blink, or change an emotion on her face, she just looked blank.

“Well, something is up Katy! Come on, open up!” I pleaded again, this time, hoping for an answer.

She turned her head to face me, looking into my eyes. “I don’t know Tamra... It’s just being in here, with all my crew, rehearsing for a world tour, thinking about it just takes my breath away you know?” She replied then turned to face the wall again. “It wasn’t long ago, I was just a girl working my ass off to find a tiny venue with like 40 people just to perform with my guitar, then to just go home with nothing, no fans, no label, no records, no fame... It makes me wonder, am I ready for this? Am I good enough to perform on a world tour, to hundreds of thousands of people?” She sighed and buried her face in her knees.

Is she serious?! She’s Katy Bloody Perry!

“Hey! Don’t doubt yourself Kate!” I said as I rested my hand on her back. “You’ have done this before remember! Katy, you’re fantastic! I’ve seen what you can do, and I’ve seen how much you work your butt off just to please your fans. You were BORN to do this, you’re amazing. This here... this is your life, you are ready...” I smiled as I thought to myself. I’m so proud of her, I may not have known her long, but I’ve read and heard about everything she has gone through as an artist, she deserves the credit more that anyone.

Katy lifted her head and turned to face me. She smiled at me with genuine gratitude on her face. “Thank you Tamra, I mean it, you’re amazing...”

“Hey, no problem! What am I here for eh?” I winked and nudged her again.

“Your partner who you broke up with, well he’s unlucky now, because he doesn’t get to have you anymore...” She responded, with a flash of what looked like jealousy in her eyes.

I froze. Staring at her and my mind went blank. ‘He.’ She thinks I was with a man... ‘He’. The same word going through my head; she didn’t know?

“uhm, Katy, it wasn’t a ‘he’...” I stated as I raised my eyebrows up. Her mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as she stared me down.

“Oh my, I’m sorry- I didn’t know... wait, you’re ga-“ “gay... yeah” I stopped her in her flow of words, frowning a little, why did it matter? Was she just going to run away now? Oh god... Worry went through my mind, what if she hates me now?

“I guess you’re gonna turn away now yeah?” I said as I bit my lip, scared of her reaction. “Yep, just run away like everyone else, you’re assistant is a lesbian who has a crush on you so you’re gonna just walk away.”

Realisation hit me. What did I just say? Oh my god.

Her eyes were wide as well. “you have a cru-“

I stopped her fast again, budging up to the end of the sofa. “yes, no! I mean, I don’t know! I’m sorry, please just go okay I’ll close up here, I’m sorry,I don’t want you to-“

I was stopped, stopped from rambling, by her lips on mine. My eyes were wide and I was taken by surprise. She pulled back and bit her lip.

“shut up you idiot...” She said as she laughed and winked before bringing her lips to mine, this time... I kissed her back. 

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