Chapter 10: Chat, you poor thing.

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So... it's been a while. I have no excuses. Let's just get to it...

[Warning] Quite a lot of swearing. Also, I know I said he wouldn't, but Chat is a bit mean in this chapter. But there's a good reason why and he'll be back to normal very soon!

Marinette stared at the leather clad hero in front of her and crossed her arms over her chest annoyed at his appearance.

Despite her impatience, she waited for him to talk. She could tell it was urgent.

Chat twitched and fidgeted, something very unlike the more mature man he'd grown to be.

"I-I need your help. Something's wrong with me."

He huffed and his eyes bore straight into hers, his teeth clenching and his shoulders stiff.

Marinette's anger slowly switched to concern for her partner.

"If you're talking about your heat then--"

He shook his head. "No, no it's not that...or at least I don't think it is. I don't know."

"Have you tried Master Fu yet?"

Adrien's eyes twitched. "I barely know him."

Marinette's shoulders sagged. "He's the Guardian! He should've been the first person you talked to! You shouldn't be here!"

Adrien almost smirked at the tone of her voice, a scolding he'd missed during her two month absence before he felt the familiar tug of their heat pulling him towards her. He shook his head and rubbed a shaking hand down him face.

"Shit. Okay. It's better if I show you."

Marinette's eyes narrowed suspiciously as he slowly turned around--

"What the hell!" Her arms dropped frantically in disbelief and she stared.

Stared at the long, furry black tail held up vertically and hooked at the end showing his uncertainty.


Damian's eyes met Barbara's in the rearview mirror and they narrowed at the sight of her mischievous grin.

" and Marinette."

He scowled. "We're just hooking up. Nothing more, nothing less."

Barbara smirked.

"Don't you dare say a word to the others."

"Don't bother threatening me, we both know I have immunity."

Damian's eyes narrowed. He sighed in honest fatigue.

"What does my father want?"

Barbara shrugged. "I don't know, but it sounded urgent. I heard Jason screaming in the background about--"

The car swerved violently. "Crap, sorry. A bloody cat ran across the street."

Damian released his hand from the grip handle and shook his head. "No problem. What was Todd screaming about?"

"Something about creeps and alleyways? I don't know. But what I do know is that if Papa bat called directly, then it must be serious."


Barbara and Damian entered the bat cave to the sight of arguing and frowns.

Barbara's eyebrows furrowed in concern and she plopped herself next to Dick making her presence known by cutting into their argument. "What's going on?"

Tim kept his eyes on the screen, his voice slightly lower as he answered. "Someone's been picking up girls on the street and in alleyways and returning them a few hours later with no memory of what happened and all shaken up, some of them hurt and others just confused.

Intoxicating💋 [Rewritten]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant