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Reya got ready for her shift tonight, dressing in her lingerie, she was wearing yellow tonight since it went so well with her skin. She put on her yellow heels and combed her hair out.

She took her daily dose of Don Julio and looked in the mirror. She noticed that when she went a size down on clothing, it made her body sit more perfect than before which got her more money.


She walked into her private room and already saw her first customer sitting down ready for their dance and this time it was a girl.

She danced and danced all night collecting her money, she changed up her choreography so her customers tonight were definitely seeing something new.

After her fifth dance she took a break and walked to the back putting money in her duffel bag. She never let too much money pile up on the ground because she wanted to be able to tell if people were actually throwing big money like they was supposed to.

The night went on and Reya was up for her 8th dance of the night. She looked at the man in the seat and automatically recognized who it was, the same guy who had been coming to see her previously.

The song Meeting In My Bedroom by Silk played through the speakers. Perfect. Reya thought as she smirked knowing the type of moves she was about to it.

As the song played she got closer each time and started dancing damn near in the man's face. She started free styling just to get him excited. She decided to be bold and sat face forward on his lap grinding on his legs. She knew he wanted to touch her badly but he couldn't because of the rules. She flipped over and did a split on the ground arching her back on the ground while biting her lip. She rolled over on her back spreading her legs open feeling on herself while staring into his eyes. He never broke eye contact and to Reya it felt like a staring contest and she wasn't gonna back down to a challenge.

Throwing money everywhere she saw the hundred dollars bills and realized her increase of income was because of him. As she danced gracefully on the back on the pole she felt the sexual attraction in the room but she forcefully denied every feeling she thought she had.

After she completed both dances, she watched him get up but he didn't walk away he just stood up. "You mind me asking if I could take you out on a date?" His deep voice filled the room.

Reya turned her head and smirked. "I don't go on dates." She said as she finished collecting her money then walked out the room to her vanity.

Why didnt she say yes? She thought in her head. Her pride definitely was a constant battle that she tried her best to overcome but with everything she experienced she just didn't want to go through that type of pain again.

Her night was finished after she did a couple more dances which ended up being a total of 20 dances. As she looked through her filled duffle bag she grabbed all her stuff and changed into her outside clothes.

She walked out through the back towards her car watching her surroundings making sure no one was following her. She put her belongings down in the seat next to her and headed home. All she wanted to do was sleep but all her mind kept thinking about was her denying that mysterious man a date. What made her so interested was how mysterious he was, how he recently started coming and would only watch her. She wondered what made her so special.

She counted her money and seen she collected a total of 5300 that night. She put a rubber band around her money and put it in her purse to deposit later on.

The next few nights she danced, he continued asking her for a date and she kept denying but it seemed like he was never going to give up until she said yes. She continued collecting her money for each of those nights, she started working longer than usual just so she can see the guy at the club that came specifically for her and on some nights he didn't come, she felt bored without someone there to rile her up.

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