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Reya walked in the house smiling, her mom was waiting on the couch watching tv.

Robin stood up, "how did it go? You're smiling so that must mean something right?"

"Yea, it went better than I expected, he seems cool. We didn't really touch on anything too deep we just kept it surface level about what his job is, what mine is you know. Then we ate, I brought leftovers if you wanna try it. It's spaghetti." Reya said handing her mom the box of food she had.

"He even paid for my food, which I didn't want him to but i told him next time I'll pay for it, and I don't even know why I said next time but it just came out." Reya said talking fast.

"Mija calm down, you're talking too fast and stop trying to find something wrong with your date, you had a good time and things went okay, you have a second date and that's fine. Y'all getting to know each other babe." Robin said rubbing Reya's shoulders.

"I know mama I know, I just- it's hard man." Reya said, she was really baffled that she went on a date and liked it. She would've never thought that she would be dating.


The next few days she did her normal thing and went to work at night, seeing Issac every once in a while since he stopped coming so often. Maybe he didn't like her anymore she thought, but everytime he did come she made sure to give him worth his wild. Reya was always too into her head and never allowed things to ever be stable because she never knew what stability was especially not with a guy.

Alana had been going through things with her and her boyfriend lately and thing seem to have been getting worse, she always argued with him over little things and she didn't understand what was his problem. Sometimes she would leave and stay at Reya's house just to avoid an argument that might start up when he got home.

Her problem was, he was never home and then by the time he would come home she was already gone for work and then sleep when she got back. She didn't get that excitement that she once felt in the beginning with him  it was now starting to get boring. He never gave her sex and when it did, she was never able to climax, it was always him coming first and then being done and they only lasted about 5 minutes. It just wasn't something Alana was interested in anymore, maybe she should be single she thought but she didn't know herself without a man.

Reya had spent her last couple days with her mom since she was going to leave in a couple days, it had been two weeks that her mom been here and she needed to get back to her store and her life. Reya was gonna fly her back on this upcoming Friday.

She sat in the living room watching a movie with her mom and Alana who both were chatting about girl talk. Alana definitely loved seeking advice from Robin and Robin loved listening to the stories Reya and Alana told to her about their problems. One thing Robin loved doing, was being a mom.

"I think I wanna get a dog." Reya said out of nowhere looking through her phone.

"A dog Mija that'll be nice." Robin said

Reya looked on her explore page since she came across a picture of a dog. "Yea I don't wanna be lonely when you leave and Alana always fussing with her boyfriend, I think I should get me a dog."

"Yea and I can bring my dog over and they can have play dates." Alana said clapping her hands together.

Reya laughed and shook her head, Alana was always tryna come up with something creative.

Reya got a text from Issac who she hadn't talked to in a while, they would text here and there asking how each other's day was and things like that but that was about it.

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