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Issac sat at his desk working thinking about the other night he had with Reya but also trying to make sure he had all his papers together for this trip.

Jeremy walked in shaking his head, "the broad is really pregnant man." He said holding an ultrasound picture in his hand. Ever since his ex told him she was pregnant, Jeremy had been sitting money aside to provide for his baby. He honestly didn't think he was ready for a child but he's 24, might as well start a family now right? He thought.

"Damn bruh, congratulations I guess?" Issac said laughing.

"She been picking up little fights with me lately too like she's really crazy as fuck and it's crazy cause I really love the girl but she just so messed up in the head sometimes. I don't know, we said we was gonna try and make it work again but I don't know. She always claim a nigga cheating and I really don't be." He said rubbing his chin hair.

"I can't really speak on y'all cause that's not my business so ima just not say anything, just- if you really want it to work y'all will." Issac said putting papers in his file.

"But on a different note, you bringing ya lil lady to Cali right??" Jeremy said changing the subject.

"Yea I invited her, told her to come on the third day so we can get all the business shit out the way first then I can just extend my time to spend with her, and I want you to meet her." Issac said looking back at Jeremy.

"Ayeee I finally get to meet this Reya in person." He said rubbing his hands.

"Chill out bro, we actually taking things serious now on our soon to be relationship" Issac said smirking.

"My bad my bad" Jeremy said raising his hands in surrender


As Issac prepared for this trip he FaceTimed Reya just because he ain't talk to her all day.

"Hey Issac" she said smiling on the phone sitting her phone up dressed in her purple robe

"You always in that robe." Issac said laughing

"Hell yea, I put this on when i get out the shower and you know I love showers. She said unraveling her hair from the t shirt she used

"Did you pack yet?" Issac said watching her moisturize her hair and brush through it

"Nope. I always pack last minute but I mean I got a week right so I have time." She said laughing.

"I was thinking you could bring your friend Alana with you because both my bros gonn be on the trip too." He said

"Ooohh yay she'll love a vacation, her ass the one who really need it, but I was thinking about the other night and I just wanted to say that I appreciate your patience with me." She said covering her face to hide her blushing.

"Patience is my middle name." He said laughing

She smacked her teeth and threw on an oversized t shirt off camera so he wouldn't see her naked body

"You know ever since I met you, I haven't heard you working as much." He said wondering why she didn't work everyday like she used to

"Well, I'm trying to focus on bettering myself to be in a relationship with you, so I just thought maybe that was something that was preventing me from being focused on you." She said open heartedly.

"Awee look at you compromising for daddy." He said licking his lips

"Oh stop." She said laughing at him.

She rolled up her blunt while watching Isaac continued to fold his clothes and pack both suitcases.

"You got a lot of packing left?" She said taking the first hit to the blunt.

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