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The next couple days Reya spent time exploring Miami with her mom. She loved seeing how fascinating everything was to her mom. Hell, Reya still couldn't believe she was actually living here.

Miami always had good weather, some days where a little bit colder than others but she never had to pull out winter clothes and she loved that.

When Reya first got here, she threw all her old clothes away and started a fresh new wardrobe, she was able to dress in her style and she also was able to wear whatever she wanted. She always made sure to dress not to provocative because she didn't want to be stared at by people or seem like she was hoe because she wasn't. The most she ever did that showed a lot of skin was wear a mini tube tube and a pair of short shorts, that's as far as she'll go.

She could tell her mom was getting comfortable being here, it felt like a vacation to her in a way.

Right now they were out eating lunch at a burger spot that Reya loved. "Man I wish your abuela could come out here, she would loveee it so much." Robin said while popping a fry in her mouth.

"I know, she definitely would but she doesn't travel she hates planes and plus she just had knee surgery right?" Reya said confirming if she was right or not.

"Sí, she just got her knee surgery." As they were sitting and chatting, something caught Reya's eye.

She looked over and seen the guy from the club except she could see his full face and features now that it wasn't dark. She automatically got shy and wished that he wouldn't spot her but shortly enough he did look over and waved smirking. She waved back causing her mom to look back.

"Is that the guy my love? Oh he's handsomeee, girl you better put that pride aside and get on that." Robin said reminding her of Alana.

Reya laughed and shook her head. "I will I will, when he asks me next time I'll give it a try.

Issac stood in line waiting for his food, he looked over and saw the same girl from the club, he was amazed. He knew she was beautiful but he didn't think she would blow him away. He couldn't take his eyes off her for shit.

"Number 294.." was called about three times before Issac came back to reality and realized that it was his order being called.

"Ohh shit my bad sir, sorry about that." He said looking back at Reya who just laughed.

Even her laugh was so pure and innocent. He definitely wanted to talk to her, the mysterious part of her is what attracted him the most, the fact that she would always cover her face and shy away from people.

This time he got a good look at her face since her hair was out of her face this time and it was all brushed back, he could tell her hair was still wet because it wasn't frizzy and big like it always is. Her skin complexion was so different, it got dark in the sun and he loved how her skin just glowed.

"Wow." He said to himself as he walked back to his car. He sat there for a minute and pulled out his burger while eating it and driving at the same time.

He pulled up to his friend Jeremy house to watch the game since they always did that every Saturday and Sunday before going out at night. When he got there he saw Jeremy arguing with his girl and her sister. Issac rolled his eyes and walked up to the porch seeing the girl crying.

"Get away from my house crazy! I said I was done with you, why do you keep bothering me." Jeremy yelled, his voice beamed loudly.

"You just saying that so you can fuck on hoes ! You dumb bitch. You think I'm stupid, you wanna break up with me now so you can get your dick wet then wanna come back to me after. Fuck you you fucking bozo. That's why when I have this baby, we're leaving and you'll never see us again." She said so bitterly as she walked away to the car.

Jeremy stood frozen, a baby? He thought. Nah, no way, he used protection each time it couldn't be his, but he knew they had a couple drunk nights so he definitely wouldn't be surprised but he didn't want a baby right now.

The girls sister stood there looking at Issac biting her lip, he looked past her at Jeremy ignoring the fuck outta her. "Ayo you ready, I got our food right here. Where Shawn?" He said walking into the house.

The sister rolled her eyes and smacked her teeth. "Don't act like you don't wanna hit this again." before heading back to the car, they sped off quickly.

Issac flicked her off and shook his head. He knew having sex with her would cause problems but it was just something that was for fun he didn't know she would turn crazy.

"Damn son, you got Jessy pregnant?"  Issac said laughing hysterically.

"That shit not funny, but I don't believe her because she said that shit before and ended up lying just to get me back. So her ass might not be, but if she is, she ain't taking shit away from me I know that for a fact." Jeremy said grabbing his food out the bag.

"Damn how many burgers you bought?" He said looking at the burgers in the bag.

"I got 3 for me and 3 for you and 3 for Shawn but I see that nigga ain't here. Unless you don't want it, I'll eat it shit." Issac said looking through his phone, he looked through his explore page on Instagram and saw a picture of Reya posed in a nice bikini at the beach sitting in the sand.

"Yo I keep seeing this girl, I definitely have to meet her, like what the fuck. I saw her at the damn burger spot with a lady." Issac said mainily talking to himself but out loud so Jeremy could hear it.

"It's Shawn's weekend with his kids so he ain't coming but son, you ask the girl out everytime and she say no, she must got someone already." Jeremy said "and let me see her page see what this girl look like for you to be acting thirsty like that cuz you damn sure ain't never trip about a girl like that before." He said snatching Issac phone.

Soon as he grabbed the phone all you heard was "damnnnn she icy as fuck.. okay okay I see why yo ass starstucked look at her ass bruh. I just had sex with her in my head wow." Jeremy said zooming in on the picture.

Issac grabbed his phone and shook his head. "Alright now! Give me my damn phone. All you do look at a girls asses so annoying."

He decided to follow her on Instagram and looked through her page, she was a goddess in his eyes, so pure and pretty. He wondered if she did have a boyfriend maybe that's why she acted so closed off but Issac was gonna find out sooner or later.

For now they just chilled and watched the game together like they always did.

Issac was a tall dark skin man. He  stood at 5'9 tall as hell and was 23 years old. He had a nice haircut filled with waves and his smile was to die for, his teeth was perfect. He grew up in Tampa with his family who also lived in the area. Issac was very family oriented and he also had two childhood friends that he called his brothers, Jeremy and Shawn. They all moved to Miami for a better job opportunity. He had a mother and a stepdad, also 2 little sisters who were twins both 18 years old and also an older brother who was 25 years old. He never wanted to be to far away from them so he decided to stay close but sometimes he would travel out on business meetings or people from different states would hire him to write reports and collect other financial activities to make sure everything was legit. He wasn't that busy just because he got to choose his schedule but if he wanted to be, he could be.

He never thought going to a strip club 3 days a week would be his thing, but until the girl at the club said yes, he was gonna keep asking until he thought he should give up.

Kind of a short chapter I know, I wanted to make sure I didn't put too much into one chapter just because it's a lot of stuff that I wanna uncover.

But thanks for reading and keep enjoying the story. Let me know what you think about Issac.. should he keep asking her out or give up?? Find out next chapter 💗

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