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Reya shortly got back to work after taking a break with her mom. Her mom was still staying over but she often went to bed early so she was able to leave on time and get home around a decent time.

As she got ready for this night, she decided she was gonna wear black just because she liked how it looked on her skin. She took out her red shoes and put them in her bag then put on her usually outside clothing on.

She headed to the club and walked in from the side door watching all the other girls get ready. She didn't see Alana here yet maybe she was running late or had already gotten started. Anyway, Reya sat at her vanity undressing and put on her heels. She sprinkled a little water over her hair and combed it out with her wide tooth comb to make her dry curls extra big.

She wasn't really feeling like dancing tonight but she needed her bread so she had to do what she had to do. She was embarrassed to tell her mom about what she does because it's not something she wanted to do be known as a pole dancer but she only did private dancers and she never got sexual with any of her customers. She simply just danced on a pole and let people throw money at her. She didn't see what was wrong with her job, she just wished she wasn't automatically labeled as a hoe for doing it.

She hated to be judged by people who truly didn't know her. She didn't get around, she never even had sex with anyone willingly. Most of the other girls who worked here dancing barely naked and also did sexual favors for the men for more money but Reya wouldn't dare do that to herself, she had enough respect for her body.

It always crossed her mind how much longer was she gonna do this because she definitely had enough racks stacked up to last her a lifetime but she wanted to make sure if she did ever have kids, which she doubt, that they would be fully stabled...

She danced about 13 dances in total so far, she decided to end her shift short tonight and take one last dance.

She walked in and saw the guy that she look interest in and she always made sure to give him her full effort in dancing.

She danced with all her might and then some, seeing the money fly everywhere she got closer and put her hands on his knees and started grinding towards him. She made sure to never be too sexual because she didn't want to give off the wrong impression but he didn't seem to take it that way he definitely enjoyed the little bit of time he got to spend with her each night.

She wrapped up her two dances that he always asked for and decided to be bold before he left.

"I'll go out on a date with you." She said looking on the ground not even bothering to look at him. She could tell he smiled and then handed her his phone with the new contact form already ready. She put her number in and her name and tried to hide herself  because she felt nervous and exposed to him.

She picked up her money for the night and went to her locker to grab her belongings and head home before her mom woke up for the day.

She got home and walked to her room, getting ready for a shower like she always did.

After her shower, she saw a new follower and seen that it was the man from the club. She looked through his pictures and saw that his name was Issac, she saw all the pictures of his family members and friends along with different spots that he'd been in Miami that she didn't even know of.

Laying in her bed with nothing on but a big t shirt, since she always slept naked underneath her phone buzzed which reminded her to text Alana back and ask her why she didn't come into work.

305-378-6901: Hey sexy 😋, this is Issac from the club, just was gonna ask if you wanted to grab lunch tomorrow around 2?

Oh wow, she thought so soon. She rolled her eyes at the choose of emoji. She wasn't prepared to be asked that early but she already went against her will and told him yea so she might as well go and see what he's all about.

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