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Kathy was so happy to escape from that living hell. She stopped in front of a beautiful house with the greenest garden and the most colorful fruit trees. "Home sweet wonderful home" she entered the house and saw nothing but her older brother Ryan watching football. "RYAN!!!" She ran to the couch and jump on him hugging him tight. "Hey, Kathy are you ok?" Sh nodded eagerly. His arms were tight on her body, she felt the warmth of her brothers arms that she missed so much. And of course, being the fat person he is, walked into the living room with a pizza. "THEO!!!" She jumped out of Ryan's arms into Theo's. He hugged her and said "hey what's up" Kathy looked at him wide eyes. In her head all she was thinking was HEY WHATS UP! YOU HAVENT SEEN ME FOR LIKE THE WHOLE DAY WERNT YOU EVEN WORRIED ABOUT WHERE I WAS YOU FREKIN IDIOT. But all she said was "nothin much...buddy. She awkwardly punched his shoulder wishing she could do it really hard to his face. "So where is mom" she asked. "Mom went to Georgia for a project from her job. "Georgia! That's like a million miles from here in Florida." "Heeeyyyyy we're home alone," she said moving her eyebrows freakishly up and down. "Wait, where is dad?" While having a mouthful of pizza in his mouth, Theo casually said "oh he is just taking a nap" suddenly coughing was coming from down the hall into Kathy's dads room. When they got there they found her dad covered in blood and coughing up some more. "DADDY!" She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and cried into his body while Ryan was struggling to get her off. When she finally got off of the body she was covered in blood. Her fathers skin slowly got pale as he continued coughing. "I....I..
love you....*coughing blood* my...chil.." Wide eyed he slowly laid down onto his pillow and stood there dead. Ryan looked around and found a pack of cigarettes on his pillow. They all looked up. They never knew their father smoked, they always had theories about it and always asked him, but he always said no. "Does that mean dad died from..... Oh NO! DADDY! DADDY! NO!" This time, Kathy had so many mixed emotions, she was terrified, broken, and filled with outrage. Then they all popped up when they heard keys. "I'm hooome!" Yelled their mother. She entered the bedroom complaining about her trip then she stopped and gasped. "Let us explain"

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