The Talk

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Kathy's mom couldn't believe what she had seen. Her husband was dead. She was sobbing into Ryan's shoulder, the emotional pain was too much until she burst into tears, wailing in sorrow.

"But, why, How!?" Kathy asked. "Well, I had to tell you at some point so here is the time," her mother paused and swallowed back her tears," your father started smoking when we got married. He tried to but he couldn't stop. When Theo was a born, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. And when Kathy was born, well he passed it on to her and-" Kathy sprung up before her mother could finish and yelled, "SO YOU MEAN HE GAVE THIS TO ME! ALL BECAUSE OF HUS STUPID ADDICTION I HAVE TO SUFFER!" She sobbed and her knees felt numb until she suddenly fell to the floor continuing to sob. Then she got up again and said "if you can't bother to tell me something like this or if HE can't bother to tell me something like this, then what's the point. I will go to someone who actually cares about me so much more different than YOU DO!"

She slammed the door to her room and started packing a bag with a few clothes and some other things.
Theo knocked on the door. "Can you tell me where you're going?"
"I'm going back to my old apartment where there is a man who is weird but he cares about me and he wants me like nobody does and now since I can't trust my parents to tell me something I should've known a long time ago, then i might as well die with someone who I probably can trust."
"Well to be fair me and Ryan also knew a long time ago."
Kathy slammed her packed bag on the floor. "WHAT!" She picked up the bag and pushed Theo with all the anger. She then walked out of the door and stopped just to say "Goodbye ASSHOLES!" The door slammed behind her.

Ronald sat again in his window. Doing the same thing he always did. Until he heard a knock on the door. He opened it and was so shocked to find Kathy with swollen watery eyes and a puffy face.
"Well, I'm yours"
She dropped the bag on his couch and plopped herself on it.
"Have you ever hated someone so much that you just want to leave and not see them ever again?"
"Yeah, a lot of the time."
He paused and leaned in to give her a hug. Kathy was startled but then released, she didn't feel so bad about it. In fact, she hugged him even harder.
"You know, I'm sorry for judging you, you're not always a creepy pedophile, and I can get used to those times."
They both laughed. Ronald looked at her. He just couldn't help but notice how she was his family just squeezed into one beautiful creation. He remembered how it was giving his love to his wife on the silky smooth bed. He wanted to feel that again, and now was his chance.
"Come with me," he said. And Kathy followed.


A/n I hope you liked the chapter and sorry if it's too short and I haven't updated for a while

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