Chapter 19

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"Occi, why'd you lie about where you came from?" I ask her.

"I never lied, I just never said where I'm from at all." Occi replies. "I don't like talking about my childhood, especially with Outsiders from the Aequa. They act like because of my old class I should have appreciated what I had when I had it, but I had a different circumstance compared to a lot of other Opulent kids." She admits. "My family wasn't normal, and so my childhood reflected that."

"I'm sorry you went through that," Kyan says, "but I'm lost on why you specifically need Nox and I to do your dirty work."

"The Opulent-Aequa Database for Outsiders, or TOADO, updates once every three weeks. When it updates, it releases the information for the newly exiled, and their names, faces, and entire identities become entered into the security system, so you can't even enter a room without security knowing you're not supposed to be there. The last time it updated was June 2nd, and what day were you two exiled?"

"June 3rd." Kyan answers. "So... we're the only ones they wouldn't recognize?"

"Exactly." Occi answers. "My plan is for you two to fly in using the helicopter in the back of this safe house. You will then pose as a couple coming back from a vacation to... where's a popular vacation place for Opulent people to go...? Viola?"

"I remember White Sand Beach was a popular one." Viola calls out.

"White Sand Beach it is." Occi announces. "You two will come dressed up as Opulent and will go into the city, to the capitol building, where Viola will give you instructions on how to erase all data secured in TOADO, so the rest of us are able to enter the city without our faces being recognized. Once done you just have to hide and wait for a bit while we all get in and things calm down, then it's all smooth sailing."

"Sounds simple." Kyan speaks up. "But I do have one question. What's a helicopter?" He asks.

"Oh boy, you'll just have to wait and see." Drew says, snickering.

"That is all for my news. We still have a few days to prepare and perfectly plan out our strategies, so I will get back to you on the rest of the information once it is set in stone. That is all. Thanks for... not trying to kill anyone while I was gone." Occi ends and sits back down at the end of the table.


I try to sleep, but I can't. I can't stop thinking about what would happen if we fail. We're singlehandedly responsible for protecting all these people, including ourselves. If we screw up, everyone dies.

I get up to get some fresh air. The feeling of actual floor under my bare toes is comforting after days of walking in the woods. I begin to think I'm the only one up at this time, until I pass by the bathroom and hear a wet cough come from inside.

"Hey," I knock on the door, "is that you, Key?"

"Y... yeah..." his voice is shot.

"You feeling ok?"

"J-just a little stressed."

"Me too. Want me to come in and we can talk about it?"

"Sure." He replies.

I timidly open the door, not wanting to awake anyone else in the house, and slip inside. The moment I do, the smell I'm hit with gives away that he's been sick. My eyes find him sitting on the floor in front of the toilet, back pressed against the wall. His eyes are hazed, and his face looks devoid of color. I sit down next to him and place my hand on the back of his neck.

"I didn't wake you, right?" He asks.

"No! No. To be honest I didn't even hear you until I was in the hallway."

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