Chapter 4 Fuck it (I don't want you back)

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Shane P.O.V.

I'm on my way to meet with Amy. She said it was important. She wants to meet in our usual place the old warehouse where I always go to practice on my skate board. I decided to take my board. I got there Amy was sitting on the edge of old pool we skate in. I walked up and asked. "you wanted to talk to me?" She looked at me and patted the ground beside her. she blew out her breath as if she had been holding it. Then she said "Shane I know I wasn't a good girlfriend to you and I'm not now." Then she took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Then she said Shane I'm pregnant and I know your not the father. I just wanted you to know. I looked at her and asked "Who is the father of your baby Amy?" She looked down at her hands. I said "Tell me Amy!" She said "Finn is the daddy." I said "Fuck You, You Hoe. I Don't Want You Back!" I told her. we're done. I'm done with you treating me like shit. Then I walked away.

Amy P.O.V.

After Shane walked away I sat there and cried. I don't want to do this alone. I thought Shane would be there for me. But I guess I was wrong. I'm all alone in this pregnancy. I better head home. My mom will help me. I hope she will anyway.

Dane P.O.V

Shane called me and said He was coming over. He sounded pissed. Lorelei came down stairs just as someone knocked, probably Shane. She opened the door and said "Hey Shane come in Dane is in the living room. Shane said Dane can we go to your room. He looked at Lorelei and blushed.

Shane fucking Whittinton blushed. I've never seen him blush ever. We walked up to my room, and then He said AmyandIbrokeupandIwanttoaskIfcandatelori? I looked at Shane and said "Dude slow down and say that again." "Amy and I broke up and I want to ask If can date lori?" I looked at Shane like He was crazy. I knew He like Lorelei but I never thought he'd ever ask me if He could date my sister. Shane looked at me with pleading eyes. He said "She's your little sister and I'm your best friend I just don't want you to be mad at me for asking her out without your permission. I looked at him and smiled. Then said "She would love that idea of course man." "Go ask her." Shane ran down the stairs. scooped Lorelei up into his arms and said. "Lori will you go out with me?" Shane is the only person who can call her Lori and get away with it. I know I tried. She looked at me I just nodded my head yes. so she looked at Shane and said. "Yes Shane I will go out with you." Shane kissed her on the lips. she turned 3 shades of red. Then Shane said. "I want you to be my girlfriend Lori.""Will you be my girlfriend please?" Lorelei kissed Shane and then said "YesYesYES! I think her squeal could have broke a glass if there was one in the living room. So now my best friend is dating my little sister.


Here is Chapter 4. I hope you like it and I hope you will vote and comment. tell me what you think.

The song Fuck It (I Don't Want You Back) by Eamon inspired this Chapter. I wrote it while listening to it.

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