Chapter 10 Bleeding Love

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Why did I do it!? I'm so stupid. I'm gonna lose the only person I ever loved because if my stupidity. If Loralei dies I will follow her. I love her so much.

I haven't left the hospital since I got here. Dane is mad at me. He has every right to be mad at me. I screwed up royally this time. I love Lori and I want her to wake up. I can't live without her. I started thinking about our first time. Oh Shit the condom broke. What if she is pregnant?, What about the baby? Will it survive this?

I walked over to a doctor and asked. "If someone is pregnant and are in a coma can the baby survive too?" He asked me. "What patient are you talking about?" I said. "Loralei Evans." he said "The baby can survive if we catch it in time. how far along is she?" I said "6 weeks I think." The doctor left me standing there. and went to room and pushed Dane out. Dane went to crying I walked over to him. I put my arm around his shoulders and said, "They just need to check something she will be OK Dane." He pushed me away and said, "This is all your fault." I told him. "I'm sorry Dane I was drunk. I didn't mean to do it. I love her, she is my true love. I keep Bleeding love from the vain I keep closing." Dane grabbed my shoulder as I went to walk away. He said, "I'm sorry we've been friends for two years, too long to lose that friendship now. I need my best friend by my side man.

He cried on my shoulder. We were standing there when the doctor said, "Mr. Whittington a word please? " We walked away from Dane. the doctor asked, Mr. Whittington how did you know about her pregnancy?" I said "Because I'm the father." He. said "We caught it in time and we have her on a special medication.

She and the baby will be OK.

I looked at the doctor just don't tell her brother yet. That is something I need to tell him.

Dane POV

I've forgiven Shane he is my best friend and we're both worried about Loralei and don't t need to be fighting in a time like this.

Loralei wouldn't want us to start fighting right now. The doctor pulled Shane to the side and told him something, but Shane is being quite right now I wonder what it could be.

Loralei POV.

I can hear everything around me, but I can't open my eyes. I heard Dane crying earlier. Shane even came in and cried and told me " baby I'm so stupid, I'm sorry I can't live without you please don't leave me!" I need you to come out of this if not for me, or Dane but, for all of us. I wanted to say " I don't care what they say I'm in love with you Shane" but, i can't. I want to wake up, please let me wake up. The doctor came in and took some blood and said let's check her blood and see if Mr. Whittington is right about her being pregnant. What did that mean Shane don't know about the baby. I didn't tell him yet.Did he put two and two together with me being sick and not drinking?

Oh No! What will he say?

The doctor and the nurses left and all I could think was what if Shane leaves me now that he knows that I'm pregnant.

20 minutes later

I heard the door open then the warmth of his hand and the tingles I get when Shane touches me. Then I heard him say " Lori please wake up for me if not for me but for Our baby." Wait did he just say "OUR BABY" I want to wake up NOW! Please let me wake up. Shane laid his head down bedside me, then I felt his lips on my hand, then they were gone. He whispered " I love you Lori I need you baby then he kissed my lips. Then he laid his head on my chest. I lifted my hand and put it on his head I whispered lightly " I love you to Shane" then just hand was gone and he called the nurse. She came in he said " she lifted her hand and said " I love you to Shane." The doctor came and said Mr. Whittington she is non-responsive right now and she could have moved, meaning she will come out of it soon. She is only responding to you so keep talking to her. The doctor left and I felt Shane's hand touch my arm. Shane leaned down and kisses my forehead then my lips and said baby I have to go home and take a shower and get more clothes I'll be back shortly. I love you Lori.

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