Over the Web (Pt. 8)

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(Recap: You're going out to dinner as a first date with Robbie.)

A waitress kindly leads you and Robbie to a clean booth near a window. You immediately start looking through your menu, hungry for what they may have.

"Have you ever been her before, Y/N?" Robbie asks you with a grin. You shake your head and shrug your shoulders. You didn't even know this place existed until you arrived.

As you continue looking through the menu, the waitress returns and you both order your drinks. You eventually find something that looks and sounds appetizing and order it whenever the waitress comes back with refreshing beverages. You chitchat with Robbie until your steaming plates of food come out.

"How is it?" You ask Robbie, swallowing your delicious bite.

"Wonderful, and yours?" He wonders.

"Amazing!" You exclaim. "Bon appetite!" You bring your fingertips to your lips and make a kissing noise, as they do in cooking shows when something tastes good. Robbie laughs at your excitement and gently kisses your hand as your cheeks turn a pinkish color- you're blushing.

As the two of you finish your meal, you think you're done until a surprise dessert come about. The waitress informs you that "someone else paid for it", but you infer that Robbie ordered it previously, before you arrived at the restaurant.

You savor your chocolaty treat, taking turns sticking your spoon into the spongy cake.

Robbie pays for your meal and you head out the front doors, hand in hand. Unsurprisingly, as you walked out a teenage girl noticed Robbie and asked for a picture. Not one did she acknowledge you, and you were a bit disappointed.

"There'll be many more fans to come, Y/N. They may be jealous of you now, but sooner or later, they'll come to love you," Robbie tells you. He leans toward you and presses his lips to yours. Oh, how you could get used to this feeling.


Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter! I wanted to end this series of imagines up because I couldn't think of anywhere to go with it. I'll write a new one soon! ❤❤❤


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