Imagine: Reunited

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(Y/N means to insert your name there, as if the character is saying it.)

     After Christmas Break, you came back to school and reunited with your friends. You were all gossiping about guys whenever a familiar name came up.

"Have you seen Robbie? I haven't gotten a chance too! He was in my Kindergarten class, but went to different schools after that. Now he's back!" one of your friends remarked. You hadn't been paying attention to the conversation until then, when you heard his name.

     Once he had switched schools, he had gone to your middle school for two years. In his last year, he moved away. You had talked a few times, but not a whole lot. You hadn't really thought about it, but you kind of thought he was cute.

"Robbie? As in, Robbie Kay?" you asked your friend.

"Yeah, that one, I guess. Well, anyway, he's back and he's not in any of my classes," your friend continues. "This is his first day and someone told me he was here. And that he was totally hot."

     You decided to leave the conversation and go to your locker because none of it really interested you; you just wanted to find Robbie. You got to your locker and started shoving all of your things into your locker. You felt the presence of someone next to you, but you didn't care. Until they tapped you on the shoulder and started speaking.

"Uh, excuse me?" said the unfamiliar voice. "I think my locker may be jammed. Would you mind helping?"

You didn't look up from what you were shoving into your locker. "Yeah, just a second," you replied. You closed your locker quietly and looked up at the person who had spoken. He looked very familiar, but as the moment you didn't think about the fact that he was Robbie.

His eyes widened.

You didn't understand why.

Until he spoke again.

"Y/N? Is that you?" he wondered. At that moment you realized that it was him. It was Robbie.

"Robbie? I barely recognized you!" you said, a smile spreading across your face. He reached out his arms to embrace you and you hug him back.

"I was looking for you! I heard someone say your name and I instantly knew who they were talking about," he admitted. You were a bit confused because all you and Robbie had ever talked about was Science homework in Middle School. You didn't know that he actually wanted to be friends, and you felt bad for not realizing. You smile grew wider and you continued the conversation as you walked yo class together. After you fixed his jammed locker, of course.

At that moment, you felt like this wasn't only going to be a friendship, but much more.

Robbie Kay ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now