Over the Web (Pt. 4)

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(Recap: You accidentally called yourself one of Robbie's fangirls and now he's questioning you about it)

You shake your head slowly.
Um... Let's just see how far we are away from each other. Where in Cali do you live? ~Y/N

You sit there nervously at your desk, hoping he's not too far. But you also hope he's not too close. That way, if anything happens between you two, if won't be like destiny or a Disney movie. You tap your fingers on the desk and shake your leg back and forth. Your phone chimes.
I'm in LA. You?

You immediately smile. You live in Malibu, which is a decent distance from LA.
I'm in Malibu. That's about 45 min to an hour away. ~Y/N

Is he willing to drive that far? Will your mom let you meet him? What if he can't come?

You remind yourself to stop wondering.
Closer than I expected XD ~Robbie

You close your eyes and sigh, realizing that he's happy with the distance. You analyze your options on what to say next.
So. Should we meet halfway, or one of us go all the way? ~Y/N
I'd be glad to go all the way to meet someone who loves Leo as much as I do :) ~Robbie

You smile so wide you think your mouth will stretch to its limits. You immediately text back:
Okay, this weekend, then? ~Y/N

You bite your lip, hoping that he agrees.

Wait- why are you so nervous? There's just something about him.
That fits perfectly with my schedule. I'll see you soon, Y/N! I have to go, ttyl! ~Robbie
Bye Robbie ~Y/N

•Time lapse to the next day at school•
(Y/F/N= Your friend's name)

"So, did you try that website I recommended to you?" Y/F/N asks you.

You nod. "Yeah, it was pretty cool," you say, recalling the conversation with Robbie, which was way more that "pretty cool".

"Meet anyone cool?" She asks, shoving things mesclosed into her locker. She shuts it closed and you lean against it.

"Eh, maybe..." You say and smirk.

"Wait, I'm getting mixed signals. But, from what I can actually read, you met someone. That someone was a guy, and you definitely like him!" She shouts.

"Shh! And wow, you got that exactly right. Except for the liking part," you reply. At the moment, you didn't think about the fact that that may have been the reason you were so nervous.

To be continued...

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