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i woke up in cold sweat at exactly 3 am. i looked around my room. something didnt feel right. it felt like something was in here with me. i heard a creeking noise coming from my closet direction. i stared as my closet door slowly slid open. a skinny arm popped out, then a skinny familiar noodle leg. i immediatly knew who was here. it was rabid lil huddy. he stepped out of my closet revealing his whole naked body to me. his cock was a shrimp and i was trying not to laugh.

"w-what are you doing here?! i thought amelie killed you." he began snarling and growling. i forgot that he couldnt speak. his slabber was getting all over the carpet. in the other room amelies senses were going off. no one messes her carpet. amelie bolted into my room and stared in disbeliefe at rabid lil huddy. lil huddy squealed and jumped into bed with me and hid under the covers. he smelled like fanny. "COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW" amelie screamed as she grabbed lil huddy by the hair and dragged him into the bathroom.

she forced open his mouth and took as shit in it. he cried and chewed it up, the shit smearing on his chin. amelie then lifted him up and shoved him to the toilet bowel. she had to really push to get him in, he was crumpled into the toilet. she took another shit and pulled the chain. rabid lil huddys screams slowly faded out. i knew that this time he was gone for good... or so i thought.

i went back to sleep but was awoken by someone licking my armpit. my eyes adjusted to the darkness and i stared as david dobrik was gobbling up my armpit. "what are you doing haha?" i ask. "oh hey beautiful, your up. sorry, i just like the taste of the sweat" david smiles as he spits the sweat into my mouth.

"youre such a goofball :)" i tease.

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