take me back baby

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a rock hit my bedroom window and smashed it. i scream and look out to see who threw it. cody fern is standing there with his hands on his head and flowers. i broke up with two months ago and he wont leave me alone. "WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID YOU SMAHS MY WINDOW YOU COCK SUCKING FREAK" I SCREAM AT HIM. tears start rolling down his face and snot starts dripping from his nose, "please baby please take me back. i didnt mean to i was trying to get your attention like the movies pleasee take me back honey" he sobs. "no, cody, eating my toenails while i was sleeping was bad but trying on my bras? we are over" "no!!nooo!" he yells. he paces back and forth but then stops and says, "do you remember our special song?" "no cody do-" he bagan singing "you are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happ-" "CODY SHUT UP GO AWAY!"

he throws the flowers on the ground  and starts stamping on them and screaming. he used is hand to make a gun and held it up to his head. "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO? DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING KILL MYSELF????" as he screams this slabber flies out of his mouth and lands on his chin. "youre drooling hun" i tease. he starts jumping up and down and crying like a baby. embarassed by the drool he tries to run away but a speeding car runs him over and sends him flying.

i visited him in hospital later on and it turned out he wont make it.

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