Going shopping

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amelie's pov
It was a bright and sunny day, me Kevin and Eimhear had decided to go shopping. "OMG WE'RE HERE!!!!?!" kevin screamed as we pulled into the parking lot. "Shut up kevin" said eimhear. "Sorry I'm just so excited!" kevin said. Kevin ran ahead into the Gucci store. "Look over there it's Bryce Hall!" Eimhear said. I look over and see Bryce Hall looking at a neon pink scarf with diamonds on it in the Gucci store. As Eimhear and I walked in we saw Kevin looking at the bags. Suddenly Kevin turned around with a twinkle in his eye. He had spotted the pink scarf Bryce was holding. Kevin started foaming at the mouth ( it looked like he had rabies) and charged at Bryce at the speed of light. Kevin went straight for Bryces neck and bit him. "AAAAAAAAAAH" Bryce screamed "GET THIS FUCKING PEASANT OFF ME" Kevin ripped the scarf out of Bryces hands at such a fast speed that Bryces hands got third degree burns. "I. WANT. THIS. SCARF!!!!" Kevin screamed at the top of his lungs. "WELL I HAD IT FIRST" shouted Bryce as he pulled a sword out of his bag. "RUN KEVIN" shouted eimhear as Bryce ran at him swinging the sword and crying, Kevin got on all fours and started galloping away with the scarf around his neck until his path was blocked by Bryces body guards. "WEVE GOT YOU NOW" said on of the body guards, kevin turned to run the other direction but bryce was standing right there. He was cornered, this was it for kevin until suddenly Eimhear came with a baseball bat and started beating the shit out of bryce, the body guards drag eimhear off bryce and she is sent to prison with a 6 month sentence for aggravated assault. Kevin on the other hand got a fifty year sentence with 3,743,799 dollars bail. but at least he had his pink scarf

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