Chapter 2

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Quick A/N I forgot to say that Hikari and Kinoken can use the Kaguya Clan Kekkei Genkai

It was a nice day in Konohagakure. Leaves blowing, shinobi training, anything you would expect on a normal day. At the Hyuga compound, there was a kid training. Punches and kicks flying at the training log. This kid is me, Joshua Hyuga, Call me Josh though. And I was about to make a decision which I didn't know would change my life for the better, or the worse.

"Finally! I can take a break." I said. It pretty rare for me to be let out the compound, due to the Hyuga's strict schedule, so i took advantage of my break as much as possible. "I should just go wonder around the village, wonder what I can see!" I exclaimed.

I was near the gate of the village, when I heard a voice call out to me. I couldn't here what it was saying, but i knew it was calling out to me. I looked up to see the village guards sleeping, they really need to replace them, but besides that, I ran, to see what the voice was, the voice that was calling out to me.

I was deep in the forest, I didn't know where I was. I was lost. Then I heard the voice again and quickly turned on my byakugan. "Who are you!" I screamed. "And why did you lead me out here!" Nothing. I turned off my byakugan. Then in a sudden, I saw a spear aimed right at me coming so fast that I didn't have time to deflect.

"So this is why I was brought out here." I thought. "I was lured to be quickly finished off." I closed my eyes reading to feel the impact and the sharp pain, but that pain never came. I opened my eyes to see bones sticking out off my body, entangling the spear.

"How?" I thought to myself. The bones retracted and the spear dropped to the ground. After that, I ran, I ran as fast as I could scared that another attack may happen. Scared for what may come next.

After a while I had found my way to the village, I knew the Hyuga would reprimand me for being super late, cause my break was over hours ago, but i didn't care about that right now. I was still stuck on the events that had just transpired.

A/N: Josh in this story is based off my buddy josh1l7 he help me a lot in this story.

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