Chapter 6

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It was that special day. A new year of the academy. I was running to be early. Didn't want to be late. There is no such thing as on time. You're either early or late.

I was at the academy and received my admissions papers. I stayed a little bit longer until the event was over. I ran over to get the papers signed by Hiashi. But as I was running, I was a boy who looked like an Uchiha screaming "I'M LATE!" Thats weird. I thought Uchihas were never late.

I ran back to the Hyuga Compound to give my papers to Hiashi to sign. I would give the papers to my dad, but I don't really know where he is, nor does he ever come home. So, Hiashi is basically my guardian.

My uncle signed the paper without hesitation. After that I went out to train. I had to return the paper within an hour so, it isn't a big deal. I was practicing my byakugan when I had a flashback to that night. The night when I saw my own bones protect me. I read up on it, it turns out that its  kekkei genkai from the Kaguya clan in Kirigakure. It had been wiped out. But it was called Shikotsumyaku.

I was thinking of training it then I remembered the admission papers. I was almost late. I dropped everything and grabbed the paper and ran to the academy. I felt the guard following me. Every since I came home that night, that guard was following me.

I made it just in time to give the paper to the person. I let out a sigh as I almost forgot. I was looking around and saw that Uchiha boy again. he was almost as late as me. Almost. I came about 10 seconds earlier.

It was the next day and the academy had officially started.  I had made sure not to forget this time. I was in my seat by the window. My teacher was waiting for that guy Uchiha again. What is up with him being late? Finally, he burst through the door say while panting, "Sorry.. I'm.. late. I was helping an old lady with her groceries." Weird excuse, but I couldn't be bothered to tell if it was true.

"Nevermind, My name is Daikoku Funeno, and I will be your sensei." my teacher now known as Daikoku said. "First off, introductions, you first late boy." "My name is Obito Uchiha! And i'm-" The boy now known as Obito said but was cut off before he could finish. 'Okay, next you brown  haired girl." My new sensei said pointing at a girl. "My name is Rin Nohara." the girl now no as Rin said. "Okay, Now you black haired Hyuga." "Really that easily identified huh?" I thought. "My name is Joshua Huyga." I said. After that I stopped listening. 

The academy had ended. I was on my way back to the Hyuga compound. The day was basically just getting to know all about the academy, what they were gonna teach us and introductions, not that eventful as I thought. I went home to tell Hiashi about what the academy.

"Hello, Uncle Hiashi." I said with a respectful bow. Even though he was my uncle/adoptive father, didn't mean I didn't have to have necessary respect. He was still the clan leader after all. "Hello, Joshua, how was your first day at the academy?" Hiashi asked. Of course I told him about how the day went. "How uneventful it was." I finished. Hiashi didn't seem surprised by this revelation, despite me saying how excited I was to go for so long.

After that, I went back to training. You may ask, why do I train so much? Well simple, I was meant to be in the side branch, but for some reason, the seal didn't work. It's still one of the biggest mysteries till this day. so by default, I was adopted into the main branch family. as far as we know, Im the set next leader, as Hiashi hasn't had any kids to challenge me for the spot. So I train so much to have what it takes to become the next clan leader of the Hyuga.

As I was training I started to think back to that fateful night. Why had it happened? I still don't know yet I was determined to find out. Of course there were many other things on my mind. but this was the main one.

I was good at using my byakugan, yes. But I was right now, practicing the revolving heaven technique. It was on I really wanted to learn and master, as its could be really useful. With speeds going as high as 745mph. It would be a really useful defense for object flying really fast.

I was able to do the technique, yes, but not quite as fast as I wanted it to be. I kept on practicing with higher results until I stopped of chakra exhaustion.

It was night time at this point. So I went inside the finally end the day.

Sorry for the long wait. Also sorry if this chapter kinda feels like a filler, had a lot of writers block. Anyways, next chapter I think is probs gonna be for our boy back at Suna. Cya.

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