Chapter 3

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Josh had been walking back to the compound. He didn't know what had just happened. He wasn't even thinking about how much trouble he was going to get in with the Hyuga elder.

Josh had just walked back into the compound to see a mad Hiashi and Hyuga Elder staring at him. "This is bad..." he thought to himself.

I was doomed. I had totally forgotten about the time limit. I was out for hours. The break was only 3 hours and it was nighttime now. I had never done this before so I didn't know how it would go.

"Joshua Hyuga, Why did you come back so late?" Hiashi, my dad said. "Full name, thats bad." I thought. By the way, Hiashi isn't actually my dad. More of my adoptive father, my real dad I don't really know where he is, so Hiashi is actually my uncle.

I'm sorry, I wasn't keeping track of time." I  said, not knowing if I should tell him what happened. "To the extent that it is night?" The Hyuga elder, my grandfather said. I couldn't say anything. I wanted to explain so badly what happened but i couldn't in fear of what they might say.

"As your punishment, you will not be allowed to have anymore breaks. You will be prohibited to leave the house unless it is for training. Effective Immediately." My uncle said. So with a sigh, I walked to my room to sleep for the night.

Okay so maybe a few more short chapters before we get into the longer ones. Sorry folks.

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