Chapter 5

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A/N No josh chapter, straight to the academy

It was the time to start the academy, I was a bit nervous, I'll admit, but I was also excited. My dad had been there to take me to the academy. a known shinobi, nothing to big.

"Remember to be respectful to your teachers." My dad said. "Yeah, yeah, I know dad. Love ya." I said running off. I went into the classroom and sat down in an empty seat. I was early with a fair share of people. There is no such thing as on time. You're either early or late.

"Hello everyone. Welcome to the academy where you will all learn to be shinobi. My name is Yukana Usagi, and I will be your sensei." My teacher, now know as Yukana said. "Now how about we introduce ourselves, you got first." My teacher said pointing at somebody. "Hi! My name is Vituset..." I stopped listening after that. We pretty much spent the rest of the day learning what my dad taught me.

Then, came that fateful time. Spars. Im pretty sure this was to asses the skill levels to know what would be more beneficial to teach, why else would they ask kids with no experience to spar with each other? 

A few other spars took place. Nothing to big happened, most battles were just taijutsu. Then I was called on to fight with, you know who, Koshinuke. This was gonna be intense.

"You may have won last time, but you were just lucky! And you won't have your magic eyes to save you now!" he yelled. Can he not say that? I don't want everyone knowing about that. Lucky for me, no one seemed to pay attention to that. "Hn, I don't need magic eyes to beat you." I said. "Begin." My sensei, Yukana said. Then Koshinuke rushed at me, he was running at a considerable pace. Luckily, he was going just slow enough for for me to dodge his attempt to lodge a kunai into my chest. Gosh is he trying to kill me? This is a spar, not a full out ninja battle.

The battle when on like this, me throwing taijustu moves every once in a while. I could end it quickly, but where's the fun in that? After a little while, I got bored and decided to test out my new gold dust move on him. You see unlike the other Sabaku clan members, I was a... special case. I could control sand AND gold dust. Which isn't common. I tried my best to train it everyday.

"Magnet Release: Burst!" I shouted. Golden sand started to appear and subdue Koshinuke. Ta this point, he couldn't move. I could easily walk up to him and stab him with a kunai, and he couldn't do anything about it, making me the winner. 

Apparently, that was the last battle. We were all free to go home. I left the academy and saw my dad waiting outside for me. 

"So bud, How was the academy?" My dad asked. "Eh, it was okay, kinda wish those spars were more of a challenge." I said mumbling the last part, but apparently my dad heard it. 'Ah don't worry, ya got your old pops here for a spar anytime!" He said with a smile of glee on his face. Gosh did he like an old geezer.

I had been a couple of hours since the academy had ended for the day. My dad told me he had to go on another mission. I didn't want him to go but hey, what can I do? At the end of the day, its the job for Tsuyoi Sabaku.  I was at the training grounds, I had nothing better to do. I didn't have friends, which probably sad. But as it seems, no one wants to be friends with the training maniac.

I was just sitting at the empty training grounds. Think back to the fateful fight that happened about a year ago...

The fateful fight that had changed my eyes...

After that fight I had never tried to reactivated my eyes again. I was to afraid too.  I was thinking of trying to, then again, the questions started to run through my head. What if someone saw me? Would I be targeted for my eyes. What would the village think? If I told anyone, would I be used for power? Would they just take my eyes then dispose of me?

I also thought of the fight. If I didn't use my eyes, I would have been dead. So maybe its for the best that I train it.

I focused on pouring chakara into my eyes. It would be harder for me since I wasn't a Hyuga, I think. Eventually, I felt stronger and I could see chakara signatures and around 50 meters around me. Thankfully, there were no shinobi around the area where I'm at. They could of sensed it, and if worse came to worse, could of thought it was a shinobi attack.

I decided to try one of its moves. "Eight trigrams: Revolving Heaven!" I shouted a blue rotating circle was spinning around me. I was successful. Then I decided to try the very move that saved my hide that day.

"Eight trigrams: Vacuum Palm!"

I had completely blasted log away. I feel bad for whatever team trains here. This is the second time I broke their log. Yes I was using a teams training ground. There are public ones, but those are just too crowded. I prefer to train alone. I also know its not allowed but, they won't every find out it was me.

It was night before I knew it. I had been practicing with my byakugan the whole time. I was satisfied with my progress. I knew I would have to train longer then a normal Hyuga, but I'm okay with that. I'll get better eventually. 

I ran to my house, made dinner for my self while thinking about what tomorrow would be like, at and then I went to bed.

Finally. The long chapter I promised. 1000+ words. Still pitiful compared to chapters in my other stories, which I need to update.

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