Why, fanfiction?

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I felt I needed to write a second, lighter post, to balance out the sadder one.

So I wanna post about Fanfiction. It's gonna be short, but it's a positive post.

Good, no?

Alright, so first, for those who haven't seen, I am writing a variety Xreader fanfic book. He first page is a list of things I know, or kinda know, and suggestions are very much welcome. Lately, it's been my most commonly updated book, as I'm in a block on the other stories, and yet thinking of a million and one other book ideas.

Currently I have posted a KarkatXreader, MakaXmale!Reader (which I'm working on a follow up to), and a OUAT Dr. HopperXreader/Jiminy Cricket X Cheshire Cat fic, in which, yes, Archie/Jiminy, does in fact, get the girl.

I also want to write a RumpleXreader sometime~ love his so much ^~^

So requests, always welcome~ and anyone who wants to talk fairytales with me, I'm almost done with season two, and I'm watching on Netflix which only has to the end of season 3, however many season there are out. Be wary of spoilers, but if you wanna talk fairytales, please message me. I'm only here at night by my time, but I love OUAT, and could spend hours talking about it, especially since I'm a nutty fangirl.

Other thing, is about other fanfics posted here on Wattpad.




Ok, so we can have an abundance of 1D and 5SOS fix a, but the only fic (that I've found) involving Jiminy Cricket as a love interest, even briefly, he doesn't get the girl and isn't even really given a second thought????? Dammit Hook, you're sexy and all, but Archie needs love cuz he's a total sweetheart.

Also, where are the Apollo Robbins fanfics? I know some of you watch brain games, and there is potential for some wicked ficage there, dudes!! why can I not find anything for Apollo? Or the Cricket?? And only a couple RumpleXreaders... I think I found 2..

Seriously dudes, you're killing me.

Most of what I read is fanfics and joke books.

I should look for an Eric (divergent) X reader....

One moment....

XOC, close enough~ hoorah!! I love you guys for that~

I just started reading the books after I saw the movie. nothing caught my interest in the movie so much as Eric, he's the awesomest asshole ever~ And of course, played by Jai Courtney, how could I think any different?

Now I can be giddy over more fanfics, as if all my BH6 ones weren't enough ^~^

Seriously tho, let's get on it with the Apollo and Jiminy and Rumple Xreaders guys!! Help a fangirl out~

Nighty night everyone, love you all~


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