Emotions we love to hate

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Yay for getting motivated to update everything tonight. I've been slacking a bit in my other two books, but I'm gonna try and pick it up and get back in the habit of updating every night again. Help me out though friends, I need topics to talk about, any kind you want. Seriously, no idea is a stupid one, especially not here, I will seriously take anything you can dish out~

Moving on from my everlasting begging for topics and questions, Imma hit up a few things, and if I can, hit an up good.

The first being emotions in general, and from there I'll kinda single out one or two.

I can think of a few people who would be real happy to be rid of their emotions, I can relate in the way of wanting to be rid of my negative ones. But I can and will continue to stress the importance of these negative feelings, and how without them we would be weak, inhuman, uncaring, and would cease having reasons to live.

Simply put, without darkness, there can be no light. Everything would be just one way, there would be no good things to make us happy without bad things to make us sad. Ya know?

One of the two emotions I've seen people eager to be rid of, is Sadness. Totally reasonable, because very few people want to be sad.

I say very few, because I've known people who choose to be sad, because so many terrible things have happened to and around them, that being happy instills dread and guilt deep in their gut, some for fear that their happiness will lead to misfortune, and others simply because when others aren't happy, they don't feel right being happy themselves.

Still, I believe sadness is a mandatory emotion, because again, without it, what would happiness be?

The second one I always hear people want to be rid of, is Love.

Again, not something I can totally blame them for, especially around my age, it tends to carry a lot of negative baggage. swearing it off till you're older is one thing, completely quitting the very idea of ever falling in love.... that's crazy and anyone contemplating it should stop.

Seriously, I've had my heart broken, and it sucks, truly it does. if you're too young or too perfect to know that feeling, one day I'm sure you will, but hope you don't. I wouldn't wish a broken heart on the worst of my enemies.

But I wouldn't be as strong as I am now if not for that pain. I gained the strength to push on when the person I loved left. And I know every single one of you can too.

If it's not heartbreak you shun, but jealousy, I'm with you there as well. I'm a lime sucker with the green emotion. I get all upset and jealous over stupid things all the time, especially now that I'm tripping over my own head for someone else, and said person has the whole world tripping just as hard, and flaunting every bit of it. But I'm no good at expressing jealousy openly to the people sparking it, but I do have breaking points. 

Personally, yea, I'd be more than happy to be rid of jealousy. But we need that one too, just in smaller doses. It's what keeps us on our toes and from being too careless with Love.

Every emotion, no matter how much we hate it, has a grounding factor, that as long as we keep it stuck in our minds when we feel it, it can lessen the shock.

Some people call that being Blindly Optimistic, but I'd say it's better described as just simply being ready for the worst, and hoping for the best.

Your hope is the only balloon that no one but you yourself can pop.

On that note, I'd say it's time to hit the sack.

Don't forget to message me topics dudes, I'll talk about anything i have decent knowledge of~



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