Frog, Toads, and Princes

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Alrighty, I wanna start off by giving a sort of heads up, and apology at the same time. For some reason completely unknown to me, I am unable to comment, or respond to comments. Which is bothersome, because I love commenting. I can't even read the comments if the person commenting isn't in my newsfeed. I'll do my best, but for now, send me PMs instead if anyone is up to chit chat with me ^~^ Thanks guys~


Lately I've gotten a dose of reality. I've spent a long time believing in perfect real life fairytales. Believing that anyone can be a frog Prince, it just takes the proper care to let it show.

But see, I'm starting to catch on, the frog Prince doesn't exist. The frogs have loyalties to someone else, feelings for someone else. You know exactly what I mean, because whether they were a character in a book or a real life person, everyone has seen at least one frog, and been duped into believing they were something they weren't.

Thing is, Frogs aren't princes. Toads are. We read stories about the girl who kissed the pretty green frog, and he turned into the perfect Prince charming and they lived happily ever after, no warts in sight. It's not true. How do you think the crazy old hags get the warts on their noses?

Every fairytale hag was once a princess who loved a frog. If you believe in what everyone says, then stereotypically speaking a frog will give you warts. But see, once you get the warts, the frog doesn't stick around. The frog leaves, and you may never see them again.

We look to the pretty frog for love, and when we do, our gaze is cast over the brown toad. He sits with bumps, rough skin, and enough loyalty to turn the green frog blue.

The toad is not beautiful, not to the eyes of the average princess. it doesn't shine or shimer, it's not vibrant. It's croak does not make lovers swoon on moonlight picnics.

The toad is simply there, loyal, unmoving, a support beam in the tower that is our world. We don't know what we would do without them, and we don't really want to know.

Likewise, we read magazines, day to day. See the perfect pretty people, all the frogs. And we love them, want to meet them, want to be them. But even in the unlikely event that we get the chance, more often than not, the moment the wart develops, the frog will leave.

It's from that moment there that we lose faith in love. And we end up just like the haggety witches who curse others for their happiness, all out of jealousy. Meanwhile, a secret admirer, a toad, loyal as can be, has never left our side. And that's how it remains.

So now perhaps you're wondering, "What exactly is the point of this nonsense?".

The point is that Love is by no means perfect, or easy. You will feel it for a million frogs before it does you any good. And with each frog who leaves, we will absolutely lose faith in love.

But for every person out there, there is a Toad waiting for you.

A frog can break your heart, but a Toad can pick up the pieces.

A frog will leave when you don't benefit him anymore, but a Toad will stay till his final breathe.

So stop listening to fairytales and magazines, stop getting gooey eyed over the person you thought was so perfect. You'll never find perfection in the appearance of frogs. Only in the heart of toads.



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