Just a short post to vent

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Hi guys.

Ok, so I know I just did a list of hates and loves yesterday, but I think I've found something to rank higher than number one.

I dunno how many of you have a security system at home, but if you do, and your cameras only hold so much memory at a time, you may be familiar with the high pitched tone it plays till you manually shut it up.

I'd be fine with it under normal situations. However, it's 4am, and I don't know how to shut it up, and I'm so tired that walking isn't gonna cut it for me. which means I can't walk downstairs and wake someone up to make it shut up. I'm the only one that sleeps upstairs, so I'm currently relying on season 8 of spongebob to out noise the security system before I beat it with my baseball bat...

If you haven't had this problem before, take a moment to consider yourself lucky, and then imagine being tired out of your mind, and trying to sleep, when suddenly the upstairs is filled with a loud high pitch tone. And it never, ever, shuts up.

I believe it's a form of subtle mind control, meant to make people angry and murderous.

For those of you up to date in The Flash, Prism coulda achieved the exact same effect had he just played this tone, as opposed to the eye thing.

Ok, now to go back to trying to sleep, sorry for the lame post. And the lack of other posts tonight. this is the best I got tonight, I needed that out so I didn't beat something.



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