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     I leaned against Scott as they transported us to 'The Raft' apparently it is an offshore prison- that's underwater. The name could use some work, but it's not as bad as 'The Icebox'.
     "I'm gonna drown again, Sammy." I muttered, turning my head to the left of me and looking past Wanda and at Sam.
     "You're not going to drown. They wouldn't put a prison underwater if it couldn't handle the pressure." he replied, his lips twitching slightly upwards in a smirk.
     "Yeah, I'm sure the place has, like, extra protection against flooding." Scott added. "Right?" He asked, giving Secretary Ross a panicked look.


     "This is the Raft Prison Control. You're clear for landing, Secretary Ross." someone said over the radio.
     We all looked out of the front of the jet as the sea started to surge and a building began to rise up from beneath the waves. A huge, fortified, structure with small lights around the sides. Two semi-circular doors open up on the flat top. The jet landed on the runway and the doors then closed above it.
     We were all handcuffed (well I wasn't on account of my arm) and shuffled off the jet by armed guards. I could have easily charmed them into letting us go, but after the whole heroic act of saving Rhodes, my energy supply was practically nonexistent, plus any energy I had left was going towards healing my arm.
     "Should we take her to the infirmary first, sir? Or straight into screening?" the guard to my left asked.
     "Take her to screening first, then just give her a sling." Secretary Ross answered.
     "And if I refuse medical assistance?" I smirked.
     "It will go in the report that we offered and that you're just too self righteous to take help when it is offered to you."
     I narrowed my eyes at him as a guard roughly shoved me forward to follow the rest of the group that was being led out of the room. I stood next to Sam as we waited to be let into wherever 'screening' is held. They were only letting us in one at a time apparently.
     "Do you think they're okay?" I asked, looking down at my boots.
     "I'm sure they're fine." He answered. "They're super soldiers. They got this."
     I nodded. "And what about the others?"
     He looked at me, his brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"
     "Rhodes is injured, even though I Tried to save him I guarantee he's gonna have to have some kind of surgery; Natasha let Steve and Bucky go; and even though all of them were allowed by Ross to do what they did I guarantee they're going to get in trouble for it and some article of the accords will be sited and they're gonna end up right alongside us." I rambled.
     Sam chuckled lightly. "(Y/n) they'll be fine."
     "Yeah but-"
     "You worry too much." He said as he was being led into the room that Clint was dragged into five minutes earlier. I was the last one of the team in the hallway.
     I rested my head against the wall. Sam was right, I do worry a lot. It's one of my weaknesses.
     I hope Tony's okay. He's probably with Rhodes in the hospital right now. Did he blame me for the injuries? Technically speaking Vision is the one who blasted him, but Sam is the one who ducked out of the way. I just tried to save him from free falling to his death. I hope he wasn't injured too badly.
     The door opened and a guard motioned for me to be brought forward. "Come on," the guard behind me said as he shoved me forward into a room that looked like it was used for lineups, considering the two way glass in front of me and the height chart thing behind me.
     "Hey, I may like it rough but we've only just met buddy." I chuckled lightly.
     "Shut up." He said as he took his spot next to the door.
     "(Y/n) (m/n) (L/n), born in New Orleans. Raised from youth by an assassins guild which led her to become a mercenary-for-hire working with the likes of Deadpool and a few others." I heard over the speaker.
     "How'd she get mixed up with Barnes then?" Secretary Ross asked.
     "She fled the states a few years ago, and went to Bucharest so that's probably where she met him."
     I tilted my head to the side and stared at the two way glass. If they knew about all that there was no doubt in my mind that they knew I was a mutant, it was only a matter of time before they forced me to sign the accords or forced me into testing.
     "She's enhanced?" Ross asked.
    "Not exactly," the first person replied. "She was born this way, not enhanced by a serum or radiation. She was born with a mutated gene. She's a mutant. From what the reports are about her powers, she's practically a living weapon."
     I began to wind up my middle finger as if it were a crank window and flipped off the window. I raised my eyebrows in fake shock.
     "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know how this machine worked." I placed my hand apologetically on my chest. Not gonna lie, because of my arm currently healing it kind of hurt to do that flipping off bit; but it was worth it.
     "What an asshole." Secretary Ross said. "Transport all of them to their cells."
     The guard that was in the room with me shoved me forward towards the door. The shove jostled my arm and I clenched my jaw and held back a groan.
      It's ridiculous how this is taking so long to heal. At least they're not like the Ice Box here and make us wear collars to take away our abilities; I don't wanna go through that again.
      I was handed a pair of blue pants with a matching shirt and a gray long sleeve under shirt. The guard then turned to me and held up a collar with a red light on it. "Seriously?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
     "It's to restrict your powers. Maximoff has to wear one too." He explained.
     "I thought you guys were to stupid to figure this out." I sighed. "Y'know, if I had cancer or some other disease that was killing me, and my powers were the only thing keeping me alive, I'd die if you put that on me."
     "Well, it's a good thing that you don't have cancer." Ross said behind me.
     "No. But I do have a broken arm and my power is slowly healing it." I reminded him.
     Ross nodded and looked at the guard. "Put the collar on her and give her a sling." The guard nodded and opened the collar as Ross walked away.
     "Look, I'll let you do this, but just don't put it on too tight, and before you do can you show me how to get it off?" I smirked, my mind control super charm has been coming in handy lately. He showed me how it unlatches, which is just pressing a series of buttons on the back. It's easy to remember but I have to do it one handed because of my fucking arm. But I am grateful for it because if it wasn't broken I'd be getting put in a straight jacket like outfit - unfortunately Wanda had to wear it.
     Once I had changed, donned the collar and had my sling, I was guided into a room filled with cells that had glass doors instead of steel bars.
     "Is the glass unbreakable?" I asked looking around the room. "I mean if it's meant to house criminals and the enhanced who do not sign the accords - it has to be unbreakable right?"
     The guard looked down at me before opening the cell door that was in between Scott and Sam. "If it wasn't I doubt you'd be able to break it anyways, not with that injured arm of yours."
     I nodded. "You're right. But honey, I always have an ace up my sleeve."
     He closed to door and rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you do."
     "Meals at eight and five. Toilet privileges twice a day. Raise your voice, zap. Touch the glass, zap. Just because you're Avengers doesn't mean you'll get special treatment." Ross said as he stood in the center of the room.
      I raised my left hand. "Um yeah- I'm not an Avenger so does that mean that I do get special treatment?" I heard Sam laugh lightly in the cell next to mine.
      Ross rolled his eyes and walked out, the heavy steel door giving a loud bang as it shut.
     "I'll take that as a no." I sighed as I sat on the cot. "Anybody got any plans to bust outta here yet?"
     "Without it resulting in getting us killed?" Scott asked.
     "Preferably." I nodded.
     "Nope." he answered. "I got nothing. This isn't the type of prison I'm used to."
     "Yeah... me either." I muttered under my breath.
     The only thing we could hope for would be that Steve and Bucky got to Siberia and wiped out the other winter soldiers and apprehended the fake doctor guy. Then they'd come bust us out. Or maybe Tony could clear our names, lessen our sentence or something.
     Who are you kidding, (Y/n)? He signed the accords, he probably agrees with you being in here. Doesn't matter what you think you felt between the two of you - hell you knew him for less than a day and you think he had feelings for you?
     I closed my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows. Shut up, brain.
     He's probably with Rhodes and them in the hospital trying to track down Steve and Bucky and putting them right in here with us.
     Tony isn't the villain in this story, you know that. I argued.
     Are we sure about that? He signed knowing that he'd have to give up all his tech and knowing that he wouldn't be able to create anymore. He knows the government would rather nuke a city than call in the Avengers - yet he still signed.
     Doesn't mean he's the bad guy, brain. He... he's just trying to keep a good portion of the blood off of the Avengers hands.
     And he's doing a great job at that. Did you get that that was sarcasm?
     Good. I didn't know if I conveyed that enough for you.
     "This is why I hate having my powers stripped from me." I growled as I stood up from the cot and started to pace the small cell.
     "What do you mean?" Sam asked.
     "Usually my brain is filled with this static like shit - so people can't read it. It also helps me because I can't hear all the shit that's running through there. But now that I have this stupid fucking collar on and my powers are gone everything is running a mile a minute in here and-"
     "And all your brain is letting you focus on is the bad side of things." Sam finished. "It's pointing out all the negatives of the situation your in and when you try and point out solutions it pokes holes in it, right?"
     I rested my back against the wall and slid down so I was sitting on the floor. "Yes... I'm not used to hearing my own thoughts this much."
     "Don't engage your thoughts when they start to do things like that. Ignore them, focus on something else." he suggested. "And if it gets too much to bear just start talking about random stuff out loud, just drown them out with the sound of your own voice."
     I smiled slightly and looked at the wall that separated my cell from Sam's. "Thanks, Sammy..."
     "Any time, (Y/n)."
     "Do you think we'll get to meet the other prisoner's or they'll just keep us in here?" I asked no one in particular. I shifted so I was lying on the floor of my cell and looking up at the ceiling.
     "What does it matter?" Sam asked.
     "Look, I just wanna know if I'm gonna have to ditch you guys and join some other kind of prison gang." I sighed. "But you guys are probably the best case scenario - I've been in a situation like this before, if we do end up joining the others we'll just have to stick together and come up with a plan to bust out of here."
     "You've been to prison before?" Wanda asked from a few cells down.
     "Not a normal prison. One that's specifically meant for the enhanced and mutants." I explained as I sat up, wincing slightly as my arm shifted in the sling. "Horrible place. Would not recommend it. Zero stars on Trivago for me."
     "I can't believe we're really in prison." Clint scoffed.
     "What did you expect?" Sam asked. "We violated the accords, destroyed an airport, and aided in Steve and Bucky getting away."
     "In the eyes of the government we're criminals." Scott added.
     "They probably see us more as domestic terrorists." I said, leaning my back against the wall of my cell. "I don't know about you guys, but I've been called worse."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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