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    I sat in the SUV with Steve and his friend Sam and the cat man named T'Challa. I bounced my knee nervously, they were taking us to some top security place, we were apparently criminals. But that wasn't the part I was nervous about, I was nervous that something bad would happen to Bucky, my only friend for the past few years.
    I sat in the back with Sam, Steve in front of us, and T'Challa in front of him.
    "So, you like cats?" Sam asked T'Challa, I looked at him with a small smile and shook my head. We had basically been arrested and he was making jokes, I didnt know the man but if he was like this all the time I think we'd be pretty good friends.
    "Sam." Steve shook his head.
    "What?" Sam asked with furrowed brows. "Dude shows up dressed like a cat and you don't wanna know more?"
    I pursed my lips and nodded. I wanted to know more about the Catman as well.
    "Your suit... it's Vibranium?" Steve asked.
    T'Challa glanced at Steve over his shoulder. "The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle, passed from warrior to warrior. And now, because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So, I ask you . . . as both warrior and king . . . how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?"
    I rolled my eyes. "Hey look man, I'm sorry about your father, truly I am; I know how it feels to lose a parent. But Bucky didn't do it."
    The three of them looked at me. This was the first time I'd spoken- they didn't even know my name.
    "The evidence begs to differ." T'Challa said turning back towards the front.
    I looked at Steve, he had his brows furrowed together, a frown etched onto his face. I leaned back next to Sam, my arms crossed. I bit my lip and leaned forward again.
    "So, Vibranium, is that like Adamantium?"
    T'Challa looked over his shoulder at me. "What?"
    "Adamantium the strongest terrestrial metal known to man..." I explained. "It's virtually indestructible."
    "Vibranium is a very strong metal from Wakanda, it has the ability to absorb, store, and release large amounts of kinetic energy." T'Challa answered.
    I nodded and pursed my lips. "Adamantium is a more dense material, but I think, given the right circumstances, Adamantium can potentially cut through pure Vibranium."
    T'Challa squinted his eyes subtly before facing the front again.
    "Sorry, was just trying to make conversation," I muttered leaning back again. I glanced toward Steve and saw a slight smirk on his face.
    The convoy went underground and we came out by a light gray bunker. I saw Bucky in a pod being carried away by a forklift; I was probably going to do something stupid like break him out of there.
    We got out of the SUV and I stood next to Steve who glanced at Bucky. I reached up and rested my hand on his shoulder.
    "He'll be fine, Captain. He's strong."
    Steve turned to me. "Who are you exactly?"
    I removed my hand and smiled at him. "(Y/n) (L/n)," I said holding my hand out to him as Sam and T'Challa approached. Steve took my hand in his and shook it. I then introduced myself to Sam and T'Challa as well.
    We all walked towards a blonde woman and a man with gray hair.
    "What's gonna happen to him?" Steve asked, I looked at the man in front of us, Anticipating the answer about Bucky.
    "Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition." The man answered.
    I rolled my eyes, Bucky didn't need a psych evaluation, hell all they had to do was give him a lie detector test.
    "This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander." The blonde woman answered.
    "What about our lawyer?" Steve asked with frown.
    "I know a good one, as long as you don't mind that he's blind." I said with crossed arms. "He's a nice guy though, very smart too." Steve glanced at me then back to Deputy Ross.
    "Lawyer. That's funny." He chuckled. "See their weapons are placed in lockup. Oh, we'll write you a receipt." He said before walking away.
    I looked to some of the guards/workers that were taking our belongings. One of them grabbed my bag and I squinted at him. Theoretically I should be in lockup then, considering that I myself am a weapon.
    "I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that." Sam said as someone took his wings.
    We followed Deputy Ross down a walkway. I still didn't know exactly where we were, but just being here made me a little antsy.
    "You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell. Now, do me a favor, stay in it?" Ross said as he led us down the hall.
    I scoffed slightly and shook my head. Honestly I'd probably prefer a cell.
    "I don't intend on going anywhere." T'Challa said looking at him.
    "For the record, this is what making things worse looks like." A red headed woman said as she approached Steve, it was Natasha Romanoff, or Black Widow as the media called her.
    Steve didn't look at her. "He's alive."
    Natasha's eyes focused on me for a second before she walked a head of Steve and I. She was probably confused as to who I was and why I was here.
    We got led into another room, it was like multiple conference rooms separated by glass walls. In the center was a brunette man talking on his phone.
    "No. Romania was not Accords-sanctioned. And, Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup." He said shaking his head. He didnt really want to be on this call, that was evident.
    "Try not to break anything while we fix this." Natasha said looking at Steve.
    "No promises," I joked, causing her to look at me with furrowed eyebrows. "O-okay, no joking about that got it." I stammered holding my hands up.
    She gave me a once over then walked away, still trying to figure out who I was. I turned back to the man on the phone as he turned to look at me, Steve and Sam; it was Tony Stark aka Iron Man.
    His brown eyes met my (e/c) ones and I felt my breath get caught in my throat. He smirked slightly before continuing on with his conversation.
    "Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences. Obviously you can quote me on that 'cause I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir." He hung up and set his phone down on the table that Natasha was sitting at.
    "'Consequences'?" Steve repeated, an eyebrow raised.
    "Secretary Ross wants you three prosecuted." Tony answered, his eyes looking from Sam, to Steve then to me. "Had to give him something."
    "I'm not getting that shield back, am I?" Steve asked.
    I maintained eye contact with Tony, I don't know why he was staring at me. Maybe he was like Natasha trying to figure out who I was or maybe he was just weird?
    "Technically, it's the government's property. Wings, too." Natasha said crossing her arms.
    Sam shook his head and smirked. "That's cold."
    Tony smirked at me before turning to Sam. "Warmer than jail."
    "I guess," Sam mumbled.
    We all sat at the table, Steve to my left and Sam to my right, Tony across from Steve and Natasha across from me. The tension was high, but it wasn't because of me. Whatever was going on was causing a riff between the Avengers.
    Natasha decided she had enough of the silence and broke it. "So who's your friend Steve?"
    Steve shook his head. "Oh, she's not my friend, I just met her today."
    Tony furrowed his eyebrows. "So, why is she here then? Why bring a civilian here?"
    "What could she possibly contribute?" Natasha asked.
    Tony glanced her way. "Y'know I was wondering why Ross wanted to prosecute three people, so I don't know maybe she's involved somehow?"
    "Possibly," Natasha said looking me over. "But she seems like she may have just been caught in the cross hairs... got roped in somehow."
    I looked over at Steve, who rolled his eyes. Just then my phone began to ring, I pulled it from my pocket seeing the same unknown number from earlier.
    "Excuse me," i said pushing my chair back and walking away from the table.
    "Why did they not take her phone? That shouldn't be allowed." I heard Tony say as I walked to the far corner of the room, they all watched my movements.
    I answered the call quietly. "Who the fuck is this and how the fuck did you get this number?"
    "(Y/n)?" A males voice asked.
    "Who the fuck wants to fucking know?" I asked raising an eyebrow. I didn't give my number out all that much, just for my job really. I had gotten a new phone when I moved to Bucharest.
    "Scott. Scott Summers."
    My eyes widened. How did one of the X-Men get my new number? The only person (besides work) who had my new number was...
    "Did Wade give you my goddamn number?" I asked, resting my hand on my hip. The other line was silent. "Scott..." I said with a clenched jaw.
    "Yes... but he had perfectly good reason too! There's something important going on that you need to be aware of!" Scott explained.
    I laughed lightly and shook my head. "I am going to strangle the life out of him the next time I see him; and then when he comes back I'll do it again." I ran my hand through my hair. "I didn't give you guys my number because I didn't want to be a part of whatever you guys are doing nowadays." I glanced toward the table, they were all watching me and that last line caused Steve to sit a little straighter.
    "(Y/n) the X-men will always welcome you," said the British voice of Charles Xavier. "But this is very important information for you to know."
    "of fucking course i'd be on speaker. "I sighed and leaned against the wall. "Lay it on me professor."
    "(Y/n) I need you to be careful about using your ability from now on." He said.
    "I've always been, but... if you have to specifically ask me this must be serious." I turned my back to the table. Natasha was a trained spy, she could probably read lips and can probably read my body language like a book.
    "The government is putting in place something called The Sokovia Accords, it is a set of legal documents designed to regulate the activities of enhanced individuals." Professor X explained.
    "Oh that's great, just one step closer in making being a mutant illegal; can't wait for the witch hunt to begin." I sighed.
    "That's why you need to lay low, kid," another voice said, of course I was on speaker with the entirety of the X-Men.
    I smirked slightly. "Aw, you worried about me Wolvie?"
    "You know I always worry about you ... because you're a dumbass." Logan grumbled.
    "So what's gonna happen if I'm not careful?" I whispered. I knew I shouldn't be on the phone longer because they'll start to get suspicious.
    "Well, you'll have to out yourself to the government basically, wear a tracking bracelet at all times, um... and submit to testing and such to determine your threat level, but that's really only if you sign." Scott answered
    "Like hell I'm doin' that,"  I scoffed.
    "Well, if you don't sign you can't use your ability at all because if you get caught you'll be detained indefinitely without trial." He sighed. "Just lay low and don't use them. And if you do you have to be very diligent about it."
    I rubbed the back of my neck. "Mm... yeah, about that..."
    "(Y/n) what the hell did you do?!" Logan growled.
    I took a deep breath. "Well... I'm currently being detained, in... Berlin I believe. My friend is the suspect of the bombing in Vienna, he's being framed though... and I was just trying to help him escape, but we got caught."
    The other line was silent, but I figured Logan was going to go berserk at any moment.
    "Did anyone see you use your mutation?" Professor X asked.
    I shook my head. "No, I don't think so. If so they haven't really hinted about it. I haven't been handed the papers or put in a cell." I explained.
    "Well, that's good. Just continue to lay low, and we can try to get you out of there. Maybe get you a lawyer." Scott said.
    "I have my own lawyer. Murdock remember?" I said turning back to the Avengers. "Look, I'll do what you said but I can't stay on the phone any longer. Thanks for getting in touch with me."
    "Be careful (Y/n)," Logan said. "If I have to go to Germany and drag you back here I fucking will."
    I smiled. "Language." I saw Tony give a small smirk to Steve, which smiled and shook his head. "Goodbye."
    "(Y/n)," professor x said right when I was about to end the call. "If you ever need us, just say so."
    "Can do Professor," I nodded before hanging up. I say back down at the table and set my phone in front of me, and held my hand out to Tony. "(Y/n) (L/n)."
    He took my hand in his and shook it gently. "Tony Stark, but I'm sure you knew that."
    "After you announced you were Iron Man back in 2008 then all the files were released from S.H.I.E.L.D. a few years ago, who could not know you?" I smirked, he held onto my hand and smiled widely, at this point he had stopped shaking it and was literally just holding onto it.
    Steve cleared his throat and Tony's eyes flicked in his direction. He let go of my hand and rolled his eyes.
    I turned to Natasha and gave her a small nod. "Miss Romanoff."
    "Call me Natasha, I'm not really one for formalities."
    "As you wish," I said sitting up straighter. "So, you're wondering why I'm here." I folded my hands in front of me. "I am Barnes' neighbor, and his closest friend for the past two years."
    "So you're an innocent here? Why do they want to prosecute you?" Tony asked.
    I chuckled. "I fought the cops with him, and apparently the king of Wakanda as well, didn't really know about that until it was too late..." I chuckled. "I know you won't believe me, but he's innocent."
    Tony rolled his eyes and stood up. "We have him on camera doing it, so unless you were with him that day and have proof, you're right no one's going to believe you." He then left the room, Natasha following behind him.
    I slumped back in my chair. "He always that rude?"
    "Believe it or not, that was him being civil." Steve said with a frown.
    We sat in silence for a few more minutes before Sam left, and Steve followed him. I stayed sitting at the table because I didn't know where we were nor did I know anyone here so might as well stay put.
    My phone vibrated and I saw it was a message from the number Scott had called me from. It was a pdf file of the accords, how they got it I don't know. I looked through it reading all the explanations and the consequences of signing and not signing. Turns out technology counted as well, so Tony's iron man suit and Sam's wings.
    I rested my head in my hands. These accords were not good for mutant kind; we'll be feared and discriminated against, more than we are now. Not to mention the ones who are mutants due to experimentation... This has to be what's causing awkward tension between the Avengers, they're all enhanced in a way and Natasha and Hawkeye no doubt have to sign just so they can be with the team.
    "Jesus," I muttered as I ran my hands through my hair.
    "No, just Tony," a voice said entering the room. I looked to the door to see Tony walking in carrying two cups. "I brought you some tea, I was going to bring coffee but I didn't know how you liked it- but come to think of it I don't know how you like your tea or even if you like tea." He sat across from me and handed me the cup as he continued to ramble. "It has two sugars, I thought I'd play it safe and give it a little sweetness but not too much. I'm rambling aren't I?"
    "Is that what you were doing? I thought you just liked hearing yourself talk," I smirked. "Thank you for the tea."
    "No problem, I figured it was the least I could do considering you're stuck here and the only person you know is in a cell." Tony shrugged and lifted his cup to his lips.
    I looked down at the cup, a small smile on my lips.
    "I'm not going to poison you, y'know," Tony set his cup down.
    I chuckled. "Never said you were." I lifted the cup to my lips and took a drink, giving Tony a smile when I set the cup down.
    "So," he said drumming his fingers on the table. "I just wanted to apologize for earlier."
    I raised my eyebrows. Tony Stark apologizing? Strange.
    "Not for what I said, but how I said it."
    I scoffed and crossed my arms.
    "No seriously. What I said was the truth, we have him on tape. But I apologize for being so rude when I said it." He explained.
    I shook my head and leaned forward, resting my arms on the table. "I get it, you have a lot going on right now. Me saying he's innocent doesn't matter when you have video evidence, even if it's someone framing him."
    Tony smirked slightly. "Yeah, I have a lot going on right now... but can I ask you a question?"
    "You just did." I smiled.
    Tony chuckled. "Gorgeous and a smartass, where have you been my whole life?"
    "Is that your question?" I leaned forward.
    Tony smirked. "No. I was going to ask you how you took down all those cops and even managed to land a few hits on T'Challa."
    My smile twitched and my heart started to race. Did he know about my powers? Did they all know and they were just trying to figure out a decent way to approach me about the accords? I pushed aside my worry to answer his question.
    "I'm skilled in hand-to-hand combat, been training for years."
    Tony nodded. "Former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent?"
    I shook my head.
    I shook my head again.
    "Some kind of fight club?" He asked.
    I licked my lips and smiled. "Nothing like that. It was more of a self defense thing. Getting beat up as a teenager isn't fun and no adult would help, so I had to take matters into my own hands."
    "Really?" He asked, looking me over, trying to assess if I was telling the truth.
    I nodded. "From age thirteen to eighteen I was beat up by my peers."
    It was true, I was the target of bullying because I was different, not because of my mutation because I didn't even know about that until I was fifteen; but because I was always the quiet kid who got their work done on time. I didn't meet Charles Xavier until I was eighteen and by that time I was skilled at combat just needed a lot of work with my powers, and thankfully he helped me with that.
    Tony nodded. "I know what that's like, I've been there. Kids fucking suck."
    I nodded. "Adults are ten times worse."
    "What did you do for work in Bucharest?"
    "Why the interest in my job? Were you sent in here to get intel?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.
    "No, just curious about you is all... they don't really care that you're here. They don't even know for sure that you helped fight the cops. T'Challa doesn't care that you landed hits on him, I think he's a little embarrassed by getting beat up by a girl." He chuckled. "I just want to know more about you."
    I looked into his eyes, he seemed sincere enough. "In Bucharest I was a waitress at the diner three blocks from my apartment."
    "When did you move there?"
    "I really feel like I'm being interrogated here," I said, shaking my head.
    "How 'bout this... I ask you a question and you can ask me one. That way we'll both learn more about each other." Tony shrugged.
    "So like speed dating but we're not on a timer?" I smirked.
    "Sure. Then eventually, when this is over we can go on an actual date." He smiled. "So do you wanna go first or answer my question?"
    "I moved to Bucharest three years ago, knew Bucky for two." I said before taking a sip of my tea. "So tell me, Mr. Stark, if your suit is Gold Titanium alloy then why are you called Iron Man?"
    "Please, call me Tony," he smiled. "And I didn't do that, the media did. I think they thought the suit was iron, and it just sounds better in headlines."
    "I think it has something to do with the phrase for a man of great strength and toughness, the iron man." I added. "But you basically have your own theme song by Black Sabbath."
    Tony nodded. "That I do. So, what'd you do before moving to Bucharest?"
    I looked down at the table. "I'll be honest here-"
    "Greatly appreciated. A great foundation for a healthy relationship is honesty." Tony chuckled.
    "Quite the flirt, Tony." I laughed. "But um, before I moved to Bucharest I was a... a mercenary-for-hire."
    Tony raised his eyebrows. "Really?"
    I nodded. "Yep, started when I was nineteen. The pay was decent and I got to put assholes in their place."
    "Did you ever kill anyone?" He asked.
    "You only get one question Tony." I shook my head. "So... you don't have the arc reactor anymore?"
    "How'd you figure that out?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed.
    I shrugged. "I don't know, maybe the fact that there isn't a glowing blue circle in your chest."
    Tony looked down at his chest. "Ah."
    I watched him closely, his demeanor changed after that, I reached forward and rested my hand on his. "You basically answered the question, Tony, you don't have to tell me why-"
    "Back in 2008, I got shrapnel in my chest, as you probably know," he explained, I nodded. "The arc reactor supplied energy to an electromagnet which prevented the embedded shrapnel from reaching my heart; it also powered my suit and basically kept me alive."
    I nodded. That was kinda basic information that S.H.I.E.L.D. had in their file, plus everyone who knew Tony Stark knew it.
    "I had an operation to remove the shrapnel from my chest and while I did that I also removed the arc reactor completely." He looked up at me, and smiled softly. "Now I have miniature arc reactors powering my suit." He moved his hand and took mine in his, much like earlier when he was holding my hand after our handshake.
    I nodded and looked down at the table, the mood felt a little different now and it was my fault.
    "So, why'd you move to Bucharest? You seem young, so I'm going to say college student studying abroad?" He smiled leaning forward.
    "I moved to Bucharest because I had to get away for a bit, I had a lot of shit going on being a mercenary and all." I chuckled lightly. "So, Tony, how much can the suit lift?" I asked. "I can imagine it's quite a lot."
    "Oh yeah!" Tony smiled widely. "When fully powered, it can lift up to 100 tons. And that doesn't even take into account the Hulkbuster suit- my god this one's awesome, the sole purpose of it is to deal with the Hulk, so it can lift up to 175 tons."
    I smiled at him. He really enjoyed inventing and talking about his work; and even though I just met him, seeing how happy he was made me happy, even if he thought my best friend was guilty of a crime he didn't commit.
    "I guess it's my turn now... hmm lets see." He tapped his finger against his chin in thought. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
    "No," I said, shaking my head. "I'd ask you but the media practically covers every aspect of your life." It wasn't a lie, the media basically always labeled Pepper Potts as his girlfriend any chance they could get. "So instead I'll ask if you ever thought of making a car that transforms into a suit?"
    Tony chuckled. "All the questions about Iron Man, either you're a fan or you're someone trying to replicate my tech."
    I shrugged with a smile. "You're my favorite Avenger, what can I say?"
    "To answer your question, I honestly think I've thought of everything when it comes to my suits. I actually have a prototype of a suit that can transform into a flying car." He explained.
    "Essentially making Iron Man a transformer. That crossover basically writes itself." I chuckled.
    "I suppose so," he laughed. "And I don't have a girlfriend," he said a bit quietly.
    I raised my eyebrows. That was a shock, especially since the media hadn't said anything about it; but I mean they didn't say anything about Vienna on the internet, had to find out in a newspaper. You'd think TMZ would want to report on the love like of genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist Tony Stark.
    "I'm sorry," I muttered. Breakups are hard, especially if you really love the person.
    "It's nobody's fault." Tony dismissed it. "It's just... A few years ago, I almost lost her. I was so distraught that I trashed all my suits. Then, the Avengers had to mop up HYDRA... and then Ultron happened- which was also my fault." he sighed. "And then, and then, and then, I never fucking stopped. Because the truth is I don't wanna stop. I don't wanna lose her, but I can't just stop being Iron Man."
    I nodded. "I can get that... in a way. Although I'm not a part of a big team like yours, nor do I do the things you do... what I mean is I understand having to choose between saving people or being with someone you care about."
    He nodded. "Speaking from a mercenary's perspective?"
    I smirked. "Yeah... something like that."
    My time as a mercenary I was involved with someone, but I got into some heat and had to break it off and get out of the business to save my ass and his; it was a pretty shitty out to the relationship but he understood and we're still friends. But I always think about how I quit helping people just to keep him safe, I could care less about myself- but i threw away everything just to keep him safe.
    Tony nodded and squeezed my hand. "In her defense, I'm a handful. Yet, my Dad was a pain in the ass, but he and my Mom always made it work."
    "It's your turn to ask a question Tony," I said softly.
    "Okay... I'm gonna go back to an earlier question. Being a mercenary you killed people, right?" His brown eyes stared into my (e/c) ones.
    I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I mean, sometimes. I just really did what I was hired to do."
    Tony raised his eyebrow. "So, if someone hired you to kill someone, you'd do it?"
    "It was either their life or mine." I shrugged. "But if it makes you feel better the blood on my hands is all from Hydra agents."
    His brows furrowed slightly and removed his hand from mine. "So you were basically a hit woman? A paid murderer?"
    I shook my head. "I didn't take many of the jobs where I had to kill people, most of mine were jobs where I just intimidated people. Like stalkers or people who owed debts. I only took the life of four Hydra agents, that's it."
    "That doesn't really make it better, you still killed people." He argued.
    I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why would you ask? You most likely knew the answer, Tony."
    "I don't know," he shrugged. "Just thought that the whole mercenary thing was a joke." He ran a hand through his hair.
    "Okay, let me ask you something," I folded my arms across my chest. "Did you sign the Accords?"
    "How do you know about them?"
    "Answer my question first."
    He sighed. "I did."
    "I know about them from a friend. Here's another question- why did you sign them?" I asked.
    Tony shook his head. "See I knew there was something about you- you have to be ex S.H.I.E.L.D. or something. Fury tell you?"
    "Tony, why did you sign?" I asked more gently this time.
    "Oh, I signed because all of my attempts to save people have been failing and I've seen what happens when I'm not being supervised, so I thought that by signing these it might do a lot more than me or the Avengers ever could." He yelled.
    I clenched my jaw but tried to speak as calmly as I could. "It's not the government's place to dictate when heroes can help. If anything this is going to cause more harm than good. What about the people who don't sign, the other enhanced?" I glanced behind him and saw Steve enter the room. "You think that the Avengers are the only people out there who have any kind of unworldly powers? This is just going to end badly for everyone because you know that the government is going to avoid asking for help as much as they can."
    "You don't know that." He rolled his eyes.
    I scoffed. "Do you not remember 2012? The whole thing with New York? The government tried to nuke the city while the Avengers were dealing with the problem. The government does not care about its civilians when it comes to intense and other worldly threats!"
    Steve stood behind Tony leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.
    "Look, Tony... I get why you signed, you want to protect the world and you think by letting the government call you in when they really need you is the best way." I said softly. "But this is just going to cause problems."
    "How so?" He challenged.
    "Think of it this way: this gets out to the public, they agree and want every enhanced to out themselves, but the government can't just force that to happen. So this could cause Enhanced to become hated, feared and despised collectively by humanity for no other reason than that they are different." I explained. "And I will fight to the death to make sure that doesn't happen. This isn't the right thing to do. You should be fighting this."
    Tony looked down at the table with his jaw clenched.
    I glanced toward Steve and gave him a small nod before standing up from the table. "You know that this isn't right, and I hate to say it... but maybe you're just afraid to fight this. But Sometimes, doing the right thing is messy, and if you wanna fight for what's right, sometimes you have to fight dirty." I walked away from the table and out of the room, I didn't really know where I was going but I figured I'd try and find Sam, he seemed chill enough to hang out with.
    I just hoped Tony would think over what I said, I can agree with him signing to save people- but he didn't know about us mutants... he didn't know how badly this would affect all of us who aren't public with our abilities yet.

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