I walked into another room and saw Sam with the blonde woman from earlier. I stayed near the door while they finished their conversation.
    She handed Sam a piece of paper. "The receipt for your gear."
    Sam looked down at it. "'Bird costume?' Come on."
    She walked towards the door and glanced over her shoulder at him. "I didn't write it." She gave me a smile before walking out the door.
    I walked toward Sam, he looked down at the paper she gave him then up at me.
    "Bird costume. Can you believe that?" He chuckled.
    I shrugged. "I would have just labeled it 'wings' but whatever."
    "Better than bird costume, that's just demeaning." He smiled, putting the paper in his pocket.
    Just then Steve walked in. "Hey Sam, can I talk to (Y/n) alone for a bit?"
    Sam looked from me to Steve. "Yeah, sure." He nodded. "I'll just go get a coffee or something." He left the room and Steve walked over to the table motioning for me to sit.
    "Are you going to interview me like Tony did?" I chuckled sitting down. "Because you can just get all your answers from him."
    Steve shook his head. "I only have a few questions and I'm pretty sure Tony didn't ask them."
    I nodded. "Go ahead, Captain, I'll answer to the best of my abilities."
    He smiled slightly. "So, I caught the tail end of your talk with Tony... I specifically wanted to ask about when you said that the Avengers weren't the only ones with powers, are there other enhanced out there?"
    "Well I'm sure you can figure that out, I mean Hydra's been doing experiments for years." I said resting my arms on the table.
    Steve nodded. "Why are you so willing to help them? Why fight against the Accords for them?"
    I stood up and walked around the table, Steve watching my every move. I sat in the chair next to him and leaned in closer.
    "I'm only going to tell you this because you seem to not agree with the accords, and because Bucky trusts you," I whispered. "And if Bucky trusts you then that means I trust you."
    He nodded.
    I leaned closer to him. "The reason I'm fighting for the enhanced is because all of my friends are enhanced. Although we use the term mutant, because we were born that way, not enhanced by science or something else."
    Steve looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "'We?' You're an en- a mutant?" He whispered.
    I looked into his blue eyes, Steve seemed to have his head in the right place when it came to the accords, and I felt like I could sway him into believing about Bucky's innocence.
    "Yep," I whispered.
    Steve nodded. "I kinda guessed from when you shot the door off at Bucky's apartment." He smiled. "I thought maybe you had some kind of tech but, I guess it was all you?"
    "It was an energy blast, to be honest I didn't think you saw that." I muttered.
    "And the call you got was someone telling you about the accords?" He asked.
    I nodded. "Yeah, it was a few of my friends telling me to be careful."
    "So when you were saying how the accords was going to cause enhanced and mutants to be ostracized and hated, you were referring not only to your friends but yourself... and that's why you were so upset." Steve said looking down at the table.
    "Exactly, though Tony doesn't know that. But if he did he'd probably want me to sign, but I just can't do that." I leaned back from him. "So, Captain, what're we going to do?"
    Steve raised an eyebrow, a small smirk on his face. "About the accords?"
    "Of course."
    "We're going to fight for what's right. Even if we have to fight dirty." He held out his hand to me. "You with me?"
    I took his hand in mine and shook it. "Hell yeah."


    I sat at the table with Steve as Sharon, the blonde woman from earlier, handed Steve a blurry photo of the man who bombed the congress in Vienna. I looked over his shoulder then up at Sharon.
         Steve looked at her and set the photo down. "Why would the Task Force release this photo to begin with?"
    "Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?" Sharon shrugged, her arms crossed.
    "Right." Steve nodded. "It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding."
    I rubbed the back of my neck and looked down at the photo. "Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier." I shook my head. "Start a witch hunt."
    Sharon furrowed her eyebrows at Steve and I. "You're saying someone framed him to find him?"
    "Steve, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing." Sam said, shaking his head.
    I smirked. "Ya didn't look hard enough." Sam shot me a glare then looked back at Steve.
    "We didn't bomb the UN." Steve looked at Sam. "That turns a lot of heads."
    "Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee that whoever framed him would get him." Sharon looked at me.
    "No, but it guarantees that you would." I looked up at the screen, the evaluator was in there with Bucky. "This all seems a little too sus if you ask me."
    Steve frowned and looked at the screen. "Yeah."
    I glanced to the office next to the one we were in, I looked through the clear walls and saw Tony standing with Natasha, watching Bucky as well.
    I don't know why, but I felt something for the suave Tony Stark. Even if our last conversation ended up with me being pissed off. But I was rightfully mad, the accords weren't good for my kind.
    Tony turned and caught me staring at him; he smirked lightly and turned back around. My cheeks felt like they were on fire as I looked down at the table.
    Just then the lights in the UN bunker went out. I stood up from my seat and looked around, the lights here just wouldn't go out there had to have been a source.
    I looked to Sharon. "Tell me where his cell is."
    "Sub-level 5, east wing." She said, and with that Steve, Sam and I left the office to get Bucky.  We ran through the halls, emergency lights flashing red.
    "The fucking evaluator, right under our goddamn noses the entire time!" I growled. "Leave it to the fucking government to hire someone crooked."
    Steve looked at me as I kept up pace with him. "Mutation?" He asked.
    I gave him a smirk as we continued to run to Bucky. When we arrived outside the chamber he was being held in the Red emergency lights were flashing all around.  I looked around and saw many agents slumped on the floor. All out cold.
    "Bucky.... What'd he make you do?" I whispered walking further into the room.
    "Help me. Help."
    Steve and I walked closer to the chamber, inside the evaluator was slumped inside it.
    Steve grabbed him. "Get up." He shoved him against the wall. "Who are you? What do you want?"
    "To see an empire fall." He smirked.
    Just then someone swung at Sam, it was Bucky. His fist smashed through the wall as Sam ducked, causing Bucky to grab him by the jaw and throw him at the open pod. I ran forward to stop Bucky, but he grabbed me and threw me to the wall, I hit it and let a grunt escape my mouth as my head hit the floor.
    "Fucking hell, Buck," I groaned pushing myself up onto my elbows as Steve started to fight with Bucky. I looked on, but my vision was slightly blurred due to my head hitting the concrete floor so hard. I watched Bucky punch through the elevator door, Steve blocked the next one but the power from Bucky's fist sent Steve tumbling into the darkened elevator shaft.
    "Fuck," I stood up as Bucky left and the Evaluator went over to the elevator shaft. I made my way over to him, stumbling slightly, I had an energy blast already charged up.
    A man came over the PA. "Der Ostflügel ist kompromittiert. Ich wiederhole: Der Ostflügel ist kompromittiert. (The east wing is compromised. I repeat: the east wing is compromised)."
    The evaluator then bolted as Sam rose to his feet. I sent the energy blast towards him, but he got out of the room just in time. I didn't really care that Sam saw that, plus camera feeds are down right now.
    "Sam, go after him. I got Bucky." I said as we ran out of the room, him chasing after the evaluator, me trying to find Bucky.
    I ran through the halls seeing guards knocked out. "Well, at least I know I'm heading in the right direction." I pushed myself to faster, I made it to the ground floor and saw Bucky making his way over to two guards. "Bucky!" I yelled.
    He knocked the guards out and turned towards me, his face was stoic, void of any emotion. He stood still, his hands balled into fists.
    I raised my chin in mock bravery and took a step forward. From my peripheral vision I saw Tony behind a pillar looking at me with a confused face. I didn't care if Tony saw, hell I didn't really care if Ross and everyone else saw, I needed to do something to help.
    "Bucky," I held up my left hand. "Stop." My right hand slowly reached into my back pocket, the only thing I had on me was my phone, but it had to do I guess. I focused on charging it with enough energy that the blast would send him back some feet, hopefully with enough impact he gets knocked out.
    He started to make his way towards me, quickly closing the gap. I threw the phone in his direction, the magenta wisps of energy flying with it. I waited until it was in close enough range and then made it explode. He went flying back and hit a few tables, but he seemed unaffected.
    He stood up and picked up a table, flinging it in my direction. I sent an energy blast through it, breaking it to pieces. But Bucky caught me off guard and also threw a chair, it connected with me and I flew back quite a bit because of the force, landing into some tables.
    "Goddamn man," I sighed, pushing away the broken pieces of wood.
    I watched as Tony peered around the pillar and zapped Bucky with some kind of stun-burst through an Iron Man glove just as he was about to shoot a guard. He then rushed the super soldier, firing again. Bucky ducked the blast then traded blows with Tony, firing the gun.
    Tony looked at him with wide eyes, the Iron Man glove was over the barrel, blocking the bullet. He smiled and pulled the barrel loose and hit Bucky with it, which was unfazed and returned the blow, causing Tony to go backward and into a table.
    He made eye contact with me, his eyes full of worry. Whether that be worry that I'm hurt or worry that because I have powers that I'd hurt him, I don't know. I have experienced both looks a countless number of times.
    You hurt? He mouthed.
    The corner of my lips twitched. So he cares?
    I shook my head. You? I mouthed.
    He nodded slightly, I could feel that he was in a little bit of pain, nothing major though.
    I pushed myself up as Bucky slammed Natasha onto a table, gripping her throat. I walked forward and saw Sharon also on the ground laying on top of a broken table.
    "Jesus, Bucky," I said as I walked towards Bucky, "what'd the tables ever do to you?"
    T'Challa came out of nowhere and kicked Bucky off of Natasha and the two of them began to fight.
    Tony grabbed my ankle as I passed him. "(Y/n), stand down you could get hurt."
    I smirked down at him. "I've fought worse, Tony." I bent down and grabbed one of the broken table legs by him. "You just stay down, okay? Don't need your handsome face getting anymore banged up than it already is." I winked and stood up walking towards Bucky as he flipped T'Challa over him and onto the cement.
    I gripped the table leg in my hand tightly, I would prefer to have my bo staff but right now I had to improvise. I swung with all my might while still not trying to kill him. The hit landed to the center of his back sending him flying into a wall.
    I looked down at the wooden leg in my hand and watched it splinter and break apart. "Piece of shit," I growled, throwing it to the side. I looked back to Bucky as he charged at me and started to throw punches, I dodged them and threw a few myself but he easily evaded my strikes.
    I kicked him back but he charged again, grabbing me by my throat. I rested my hands on the one holding my neck, trying to pry his metal hand off me.
    "C'mon Bucky.... Snap outta it." I grunted. He started to squeeze my throat, cutting off my air. I focused as I struggled to catch my breath, but sent a small energy shock up his arm causing the mechanics of it to spaz a bit and drop me. Bucky hurried up the stairs, T'Challa following after him.
         I raised my hand to my neck and coughed. "If you're gonna get rough with me at least tell me the safe word first," I groaned pushing myself up. I couldn't let T'Challa hurt Bucky, especially when he's not in control of his mind right now. I stood up and saw Natasha over by Tony, both of them seemed to be okay, but staying out of the fight for some reason, Sharon was still down though; then I remembered that Bucky was being framed for killing T'Challa's father.
    "(Y/n)!" Tony called as I walked over to the steps as T'Challa was thrown down them. I climbed the stairs as fast as I could, thankful for my reinforced stamina. I knew that I should have kept up with training.
    I got up to the helipad as Bucky marched up to the helicopter, he yanked the lock off the door and got into the seat. I ran forward as Steve rushed outside, sprinting toward the helicopter. Bucky started to take off and Steve jumped forward and grabbed the land gear and pulled it back to the roof.
    I watched on as Bucky tried to take the helicopter higher, it dragged Steve to the edge, he grabbed the railing with his free hand. He grit his teeth and pulled the helicopter closer, it was very impressive to watch. Just then the nose of the helicopter slammed into the edge of the helipad. The rotor-blades struck the cement of the helipad and became smashed to pieces.
    I took this chance to run over to Steve, ducking around the tail of the helicopter as it swung around. I made it to Steve just as Bucky's arm smashed through the glass and grabbed Steve's throat with a growl.
    "Steve!" I yelled as I ran over and tried to grab Bucky's hand away from the Blondes throat.
    The helicopter started to drift over the edge as Steve and I both had a grip on Bucky's arm as we tried to stop him. The tail broke off and fell into the river below As Bucky kept a strong hold of Steve as the whole vehicle dropped and slammed into the river, taking all three of us with it.

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