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(Yes, I know that the chapter image is from an anime, but I needed to showcase (Y/n)'s eye color due to the mutation)
2 years later

    Throughout the two years that I've known Bucky Barnes his memory has improved greatly. He's even taken to journaling what he remembers, he tells me things all the time to strengthen his Memory.  And while he tells me what he remembers, I in turn show him some of my abilities.
    Bucky didn't really know what a mutant was so I had to explain it to him and he got it pretty quickly. He understood what it was like to be different, seeing as he was experimented on by Hydra and given the super serum like Captain America.
    I locked my apartment door and walked over to Bucky's which was right next door. I knocked three times as was procedure- it was a 'special' knock that Bucky had decided we do so we know who is at the door. I found it a little tedious, but still went along with it because he's my friend.
    He opened the door and smiled. "Buna dimineaţa (good morning)."
    I smiled back. "Buna dimineaţa."
    Bucky had been helping me out with my Romanian, I speak it a lot better than I used to. Still not fluent like he is, but I don't make as many mistakes as I used to.
    "Ready to go to the market?" He asked as he put his hat on.
    I nodded and we made our way down the stairs. This was kinda a regular thing, we would go to the market every week together mainly so Bucky could get plums; it also became routine that he walk me to and from work, which I didn't really mind, I liked the company.
    "Do you work today?" Bucky asked as we walked through the crowd.
    I shook my head. "I got the day off because they're training a few new people. I'm actually relieved because I don't think I'd be able to handle the trainees." I chuckled.
    "You could just use your superhuman charm and make them the perfect employee." He joked.
    We laughed as we passed a few of the stands, making our way to the fruit vendor. It was really all we came for.
    As Bucky talked to the vendor I looked around. It was always busy and today was no exception. My phone began to vibrate in my jacket pocket, which was really strange because I never really got phone calls that weren't from work.
    I pulled out the device and looked at the number, I didn't recognize it so I just let it ring. If they deem it important they'll leave a message. I glanced across the street at a vendor at a news stand that was looking in our direction; something seemed off.
    "Bucky..." I said resting my hand on his arm as he thanked the vendor. "We should get outta here."
    "Why?" He asked as we started to walk away.
    I ran a hand through my hair. "It's just... I feel like something's wrong."
    He raised an eyebrow.
    "Trust me, dude... something's going on and we need to get home." I said glancing toward the news stand.
    Bucky followed my gaze across the street to the vender. He glanced to me, then looked back at the vender who was still watching us. The vender then quickly ran away from his kiosk, we exchanged a look then made our way over to the abandoned kiosk.
    I picked up a newspaper and my eyes widened, as I handed it to Bucky. On the front page there were surveillance-photos of a man with the headline 'Winter Soldier Wanted For Vienna Bombing.'
    I shook my head and looked up at him. "What the fuck is going on?"
    Bucky glanced around tensely. "I don't know, and I don't want to stick around to find out. Come on." He threw the paper down and grabbed a hold of my elbow, leading me through the crowd and back to the apartment building.
    "So you're just going to leave Bucharest?" I asked quietly as we took alleyways to get home.
    "I don't really have a choice. If he recognized me there's no telling whether or not he called someone to come get me." Bucky clenched his jaw. "Honestly, (Y/n) you should leave too."
    "What? Why?" I questioned, stopping in my tracks. Bucky stopped and turned to me.
    "Because he saw you with me and if he did call someone he probably told them about you, meaning-"
    "They might think I'm your accomplice." I finished. "So what's the plan then?"
    "We go our separate ways, that's all I can think of." Bucky shrugged.
    "No." I shook my head.
    "(Y/n) it's for your safety. You're my friend and I can't have you getting hurt because of me." His blue eyes were full of worry and sadness.
    "Well I don't care. I promised I'd help you and I am sticking with that promise. We'll stay low together. Get out of here and go somewhere else, but I'm not leaving you Bucky. We'll be the safest together." I argued.
    He furrowed his eyebrows. "Fine. But the minute we're in any kind of danger we are splitting up because you cannot be hurt because of me."
    I nodded and we continued our rush for home. It was going to be easy to just pack up and leave, I didnt really have that many belongings in my apartment and I always had a bag packed just in case of a situation like this.
    We apprehensively entered the building, keeping our eyes out for anyone following us or if anyone was waiting to ambush us. I went up the stairs before Bucky, my powers kicking in and making me fast and light on my feet.
    I unlocked my door and grabbed my bag before giving my apartment one last look.
    After spending three years here I've grown a little sentimental, naturally. But I knew leaving was for the best. I left and entered Bucky's apartment to see him standing still, watching a man in a dark blue, armored suit with a shield on his arm.
    Holy shit.. that's Captain America. I thought. We watched as he looked around the apartment, stupidly not turning around. I knew Bucky had hidden his emergency pack, but he wouldn't be able to get it without Steve noticing.
    I looked toward the door. Something didn't feel right.
    Steve raised his hand to his ear piece. "Understood." He slowly turned around to face Bucky and I. "Do you know me?"
    I could tell he was asking Bucky so I didn't answer.
    "You're Steve. I read about you in a museum." Bucky nodded slightly; other than the information he gathered there he had also began to remember more things about steve from their childhood, but he wasn't going to reminisce about that now.
    I looked back at the door, the energy felt off, we needed to leave now.
    "I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying." Steve said holding his hand up slightly.
    Bucky shook his head. "I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore."
    Steve glanced at me from behind Bucky, his brow furrowed slightly. "Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive."
    "That's smart. Good strategy." Bucky nodded.
    "Bucky, we gotta go," I whispered. "They're right outside the door."
    Steve shook his head. "This doesn't have end in a fight, Buck."
    "It always ends in a fight." Bucky corrected.
    "You pulled me from the river. Why?" Steve asked.
    Bucky stared at him. "I don't know."
    I shook my head and turned fully toward the door. "Look guys, I don't mean to ruin this sentimental moment but Steve if you truly care about Bucky then we need to leave now or we're all gonna be in trouble."
    Just then a grenade crashed through the window and Bucky kicked it over to Steve, who smothered it with his shield.
    "Schieß die Tür auf (Shoot the door)!" I head someone shout from the other side of the door.
    I sighed, and raised my hands and blasted a magenta energy blast at the door, blowing it off the hinges and flying into the cops on the other side. God I hope no one saw me do that.
    Bucky pulled me towards him and shielded us with the mattress as cops swung in on wires and people shot through the window. He kicked the table toward the door as cops entered the apartment, and Steve pulled the rug out from under a policeman, sending him flying.
    Bucky slammed another policeman into the wall as I kicked on in the center of his chest sending him backward and into a few other cops.
    "Buck, stop! You're gonna kill someone." Steve yelled.
    Bucky slammed Steve down to the ground and punched the floor by his head, his fist going through the floor. "I'm not gonna kill anyone." He grunted as he grabbed his backpack from under the floor and threw it out of the window. The two men got up and Bucky pulled me behind him and Steve as we used his shield to avoid the gunfire. Bucky shoved Steve forward and into a cop, then used is metal hand to repel the bullets.
    "(Y/n), you need to get outta here," bucky grunted as he picked up a large cement block and slammed it into a cop.
    I shook my head. "I'm not leaving ya." I kicked a cop out the door and he tumbled down the stairs, taking a few others down with him. "I'm worried about getting you outta here, not me getting hurt."
    Bucky looked at me with an aggravated look as we both dodged bullets coming from a cop at the door. Bucky punched through the wall beside the door taking the cop out.
    We were out in the hall now, fighting cops left and right. It was getting a bit annoying and I was getting more aggressive by the second; It felt a little good to be fighting though, I felt back in my element after not doing it for three years.
    I looked up as a cop descended through the sky-light on a zip wire; they were seriously going all out here weren't they? Bucky grabbed the cop's gun and slammed him into the wall, as I slammed another cop into the railing of the stairs.
    Bucky picked up the battering ram and bashed a couple of cops with it. I looked down the stairwell and saw more police making there way up to us.
    "Fuck..." I sighed, I stood at the top of the stairs and raised my hands and sent another energy blast into the unsuspecting cops, sending them back down the stairs. Bucky jumped on the zip-line-guy and held his hand out to me, I took it and he swung us down a level.
    One of the cops shouted something about breaking containment, meaning there were more of them around the perimeter looking for Bucky.
    We continued to fight the cops that closed in on us, basically I just kept knocking them into each other trying not to use my powers anymore because well... people don't really treat my kind nicely.
    Steve jumped down to our level as Bucky tossed one of the cops over the railing but Steve caught him, and threw the cop up onto the landing.
    One of the cops grabbed my shoulder and I swiftly elbowed him in the face, grabbed his hand, and flipped him over me so he landed on his back... hard.
    Bucky grabbed my hand as he broke a banister and used it to swing us down another level; I kicked the cop that was standing by the door and sent him back.
    One of the cops on the new level aimed his gun at Bucky and Steve threw his shield, hitting the gun out of the guys hand, but also embedding his shield into the wall.
    I punched another cop in the face and kicked him back.
    "This shit's getting annoying." I growled as I grabbed another one and threw him down the stairs. I blew the hair out of my face. "Bucky, we need to get the fuck outta here."
    Bucky punched a cop and threw his body at the other ones. "Fucking trying to!"
    I grabbed the cop that was coming up behind Bucky and threw him into the wall.
    "Thanks," Bucky exhaled.
    "Don't mention it." I said as I took the helmet off the cop and whipped it at another, a little trail of magenta energy (kinda like Wanda's red one) following it, once it smacked into one of their heads it exploded. Just a small little controlled explosion of energy- not enough to kill, just enough to blow them a few feet away.
    "Never seen you do that one," Bucky said as he looked up at Steve on the other level.
    "Well, it was all I could think of doing at the moment." I shrugged.
    He nodded and motioned to the edge of the stairwell. I nodded and we leapt over the railing and began to fall down a bunch of levels. Bucky caught onto a railing with his metal hand and caught my hand with his flesh one.
    "It's okay, I got you," he said as he pulled us over the railing. We wasted no time when we were over the railing- we rand down a corridor and Bucky kicked down the door leading to a balcony.
    "We're gonna have to jump," he said looking at me.
    I nodded. "I've done this whole thing before. No biggy." I smiled as we ran to the balcony and jumped off.
    We landed on the neighboring building, I rolled into a standing position and Bucky rolled as well, but didn't quite stick it. He pushed himself up and grabbed his bag and we continued to run.
    As we were running I glanced over my shoulder and saw a muscular man in a black super suit behind us. Before I knew it he slammed into Bucky from behind, knocking him down. The man had a full face mask with pointed ears, and when he extended his fingers sharp claws popped out. He attacked Bucky with sweeping kicks and slashes with his claws, Bucky doing his best to fight back but never really seeming to have the upper hand.
    The man kicked Bucky into a wall and swiped his claws next to his face, Bucky narrowly avoided being slashed, as he held up a metal bar to protect himself.
    I shook my head and ran towards the man attacking my friend. I jumped over him and grabbed his arm, taking him with me and flinging him across the roof. I pulled Bucky up and started to pull him to the edge of the roof.
    Steve then leapt down onto the neighboring building, we turned to him as a helicopter came into our line of sight. This was not good.
    Just then the guy in black lunged at Bucky and I, his claws out, but Bucky caught his wrists; and A soldier started to fire a machine gun from the helicopter. But the ammo bounced off the man's armored suit.
    I glanced at Bucky who was trying his best to push the guy back. I furrowed my eyebrows and put a lot of energy into my kick to the man's chest, sending him flying backwards.
    Bucky put his bag on his back, and we ran to the edge, we jumped down a level but the man in black caught up to us, using his claws to slide down the wall. I grabbed Bucky's arm and pulled him over the edge and we fell a few levels before landing in the street, the guy following us and chasing us. Gunfire from the helicopter was tearing up the sidewalk. And it was getting a little troublesome trying to outrun the man but also not get shot. We reached an over pass and jumped down, landing in the street below. We ran through the traffic, now we didnt have to worry about getting shot, but we had to worry about getting hit by a car, great.
    I kept up with Bucky, which I think may have surprised him because he was so fast, but I was fast too thanks to my mutation. Behind us there were a bunch of vehicle's with blue flashing lights and while i knew we'd probably get caught at some point, I was just trying my best to get Bucky out now.
    We both jumped onto cars as they sped past, and ran along the tops of them, the guy in the black suit hot on our tail.
    "This guy just doesn't fucking stop does he?" I grumbled as we continued forward. We landed on the street and in front of us were a dozen police vehicles. "C'mon!" I yelled as I jumped over the barrier separating the traffic.
    We ran forward and a motorbike sped toward us, Bucky grabbed the handlebar and spun the bike around in mid air, it was very impressive. The rider was thrown off and Bucky and I got onto the bike and sped through the oncoming traffic, cars swerving out of our way.
    I looked behind us and saw the cat guy jumping onto the back of the motorbike, I grabbed him and flipped him over mine and Bucky's head, and Bucky leaned the bike to one side and kicked the guy in the face, kicking him off and straightening the bike.
    Bucky reached into his pocket and pulled out something he handed it to me. "Throw this."
    I looked down at it. "A sticky bomb?"
    he rolled his eyes. "Just throw it."
    I threw it up to the underside of the overpass and it blew up and brought down tons of rubble. My eyes widened, that was going to get us into a lot of trouble.
    Just then we were thrown off of the motorbike; bucky and I rolling and sliding across the pavement with the cat guy. He must have hit the wheel and sent us flying. We pushed ourselves up as Steve pulled the man away from us as Armed police arrived and surround us, their guns aimed.
    Bucky and I stood next to Steve, all of us breathing heavily. We had got caught.
    "Stand down, now." A man in a suit of armor Said- it wasn't iron man, it wasn't the right colors.
    Steve put his shield on his back and looked at the man.
    "Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal." The guy said as Police moved in and forced Bucky to his knees. The guy in the cat outfit raised his hands as a cop moved mine and Steve's arms behind our backs.
    I looked down at the ground a frown on my face. We got caught... I promised I'd help Bucky, I'd get him out of here, but... I failed. I couldn't help him.
    The guy in the cat outfit removed his mask, revealing his face. I didnt know who he was so it didn't matter, I just wondered what was going to happen to Bucky.
    "Wie lautet der Befehl (what's the order)?" One of the cops asked.
    The fake iron man looked at the now maskless man. "Your highness."
    I looked back at the man. Highness? This guy's fucking royalty and he's chasing Bucky and I down? What the hell, dude?
    Bucky was then hauled flat on the ground. His eyes met mine and I could tell he was angry that I was mixed up in all this, but it was too late to do anything about it.

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