"Ready?" Steve asked the group. We all made a chorus of agreement before we began to walk towards the opposing side. They walked towards us as well and we all gradually began to pick up speed, sprinting towards each other.
    "Never really been a team player before, but I'm willing to go down with this one." I chuckled as we continued to run forward.
    "Do you always have to be such a pessimist?" Bucky rolled his eyes.
    "I'm just saying that if my first team mission fails I'm glad it was with you guys."
    "Aw," Clint and Scott smiled.
    "Focus." Steve grunted.
    When we met, Steve blocked a punch from Tony as Clint fired arrows at Vision. Sam took off to the air being followed by War Machine and Wanda began to levitate vehicles and throw them at the spider boy who was swinging through the air - narrowly avoiding them.
    I threw an energy blast towards War Machine to get him away from Sam as Bucky traded blows with T'Challa; Natasha kicked Scott in the stomach sending him flying back a foot or two before she began to fight with Clint.
    I looked toward Tony and Steve who were trading blows with each other. I made a small explosion next to Tony to send him away from Steve.
Steve looked at me and gave me a small nod, which I returned. I was the extra person in this fight, Steve's team had seven and Tony's only had six so the plan was just to help out where I can. 
    T'Challa kicked Bucky and sent him flying into a pallet of boxes, he hit the cement with a thud. I shook my head and made my way over to the king dressed as a cat and extended my bo staff.
    "Look I get that you think he killed your father but he didn't," I said as I swung at him.
    He dodged it and threw a punch, which I blocked with the staff. "Then why did he run?"
    I scoffed. "Are you freaking kidding me?" I kicked him in the chest sending him backwards, he quickly rebounded with a kipup and looked at me, "Maybe he ran because a whole fucking swat team showed up to his new home - oh, and maybe because you showed up in a leather catsuit and attacked him?"
    T'Challa ran at me and swept my legs, making me fall to the ground. He then made his way back over to Bucky.
    "Logan was right... I talk too much when I fight." I grumbled pushing myself up and onto my knees. I looked as T'Challa reached for Bucky's throat with his claws extended. 
    I extended my hand and shot an energy blast at him moving him away from the brunette; then Wanda sent him flying through the air with her magic. I gave her a smile before going to Bucky.
    "You okay?" I asked resting my hand on his shoulder, checking for any major injuries. 
    "I'm fine..." He grunted as we stood up. "Are you good though?"
    "Oh yeah. We kinda outman them, y'know? I haven't really been fighting anyone, just helping out when I see someone struggling." I shrugged.
    We looked up and saw Sam and Tony in the air, I began to form a blast in my hand but Clint seemed to beat me to it- shooting an arrow at Tony with a miniature Scott Lang attached to it.
    "We gotta go, Buck," I said looking at him. 
    "You're right." he nodded. "Let's get to Steve."
    I shook my head. "You go ahead and leave with him Buck. You guys get away and I'll stay back with the others."
    "What happened to sticking with me because you promised to help me?" He placed his metal hand on my shoulder and turned me to face him.
    "Buck," I smirked as I shook his hand off me, "I'm still helping you... if it means that I stay here with the team and fight and probably get taken to jail just to keep you safe then so be it." I patted his arm. "You're my best friend, your safety comes before my own, that's the rules. Now go to Steve and get out of here."
    "Once we finish this, I promise I'll come get you."
    "Nah, you clear your name first and if you need to you can lay low for a bit before you bust me outta jail." I smiled. "Now go."
    Bucky frowned and nodded before making his way over to Steve who had just finished a fight with spider boy.
    I ran over to Clint as he shot arrows at our enemies in the sky, I joined him by throwing some energy blasts and throwing a few of my cards for a more controlled explosion.
    "We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet." Steve said.
    "No, you get to the jet! Both of you!" Sam responded while being chased by War Machine. 
    "The rest of us aren't getting out of here." I added as Sam and War Machine flew over us.
    "As much as I hate to admit it," Clint said as he readied his bow, "if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it."
    I gave him a nod when he looked at me. "This isn't the real fight, Steve."
    It took Steve a few seconds to reply. "Alright, so what's the play?
    "We need a diversion, something big." Sam answered.
    "I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half..."
    I looked at Clint with wide eyes. He shrugged and shot another arrow. 
    "Don't come back for me." Scott finished.
    "He's going to tear himself in half?" I asked looking around for Scott, but knowing him he was miniature right now.
    "You're sure about this, Scott?" Steve asked.
    "I do it all the time. I mean once... in a lab. Then I passed out." Scott answered nonchalantly. 
    "Love how you're so cool with potentially being ripped in half or passing out." I smirked slightly. "You're awesome."
    "Thank you, (Y/n)." I could hear the smile in his voice. "I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the BOSS!" He hyped himself up.  All of a sudden Scott grew into a towering behemoth and had a hold of War Machine's leg, preventing him from chasing Sam. 
    "Holy shit..." I muttered while watching with wide eyes.
    "Way to go Tic-Tac!" Sam cheered through the comms as Scott began to swing War Machine around.
    Tony was about to fly towards Scott but Sam intercepted him and kicked him right in the chest as Scott threw the man he was holding. Clint, Wanda and I watched as Scott kicked a bus toward T'Challa and Vision landed in front of it, splitting the bus in two.
    Scott then ripped off the wing of a plan and threw it at Tony, who dodged it. Sam flew right toward Tony and fired Red Wing at him, hitting him right in the head.
    "Ouch, that had to have hurt right?" I winced. "I mean a tiny drone came flying at him full speed and cracked him right in the head. Sure he's wearing a helmet but, fuck he had to have felt that."
    Clint and Wanda turned towards me with their eyebrows furrowed, I looked back at them and I raised mine. 
    "What?" I asked. "He was once your friend - you must be worried about him getting a concussion." I rested my hands on my hips.
    "When I first met you i thought you were the type of person who didn't care who got hurt... that it was all just a 'casualty of war' kinda thing." Clint said tilting his head to the side a little bit, the light shining off his hearing aids.
    Oh right... I forgot he's deaf. Well with his stark technology hearing aids he can hear but without them he totally can't, or so I've been told... by Wade.
    I shrugged. "I don't care, I was just adding commentary."
    We all looked back as T'Challa jumped onto a stack of crates, trying to get to Steve and Bucky as they made their escape.
    "You wanna get to them... you're gonna have to go through me." Scott said as he swept his gigantic foot through the crates that T'Challa was standing on, obliterating them to pieces. 
    War Machine then fired explosions at him as the spider boy fired web's around giant Scott's arms. That's when Wanda, Clint and I sprang into action, Wanda and I using our abilities to try and stop the two attacking Scott while Clint fought with T'Challa.   
    I held one of the playing cards in between my fingers and raised my hand, focusing my eyes on War Machine as he dodged Scott's hand. I threw the card, a trail of magenta energy following behind it, the more distance it racked up the bigger the energy around it got, when it got close enough to the man in armour it exploded sending him flying backwards and distracting him enough for Wanda to throw a vehicle at him.
    "Something just flew in me!" Scott yelled, placing a hand over his chest.
    I turned and saw Vision firing a beam of energy from the stone in his head, causing the control tower by the entrance of the hangar to start to collapse. Wanda raised her hands and began to slow the collapse, I ran over and raised my hands to help her. 
    As soon as I started to help, the tower's debris glowing with magenta and red energy, War Machine fired a sonic disruptor and caused Wanda to fall down to her knees and clutch her head with a scream. The debris began to fall once more, I couldn't handle all of it by myself.
    "Wanda!" Clint yelled as he made his way over to us.
    "I'm fine," she panted, her head still in her hands.
    I focused on the entrance of the hangar and saw Bucky and Steve get out of the way of the tower, so I just let it all fall, turning my attention back to team Stark currently flying and web slinging around Scott.
    Spider boy began to swing his web's around Scott's legs.
    "They're treating you like an At-At, bro." I announced to Scott over the comms.
    "A What?"
    "An All Terrain Armored Transport from Star Wars! He's going all Empire on your ass!" I yelled as Tony and War Machine flew up by Scott's head and both began to land blows against it.
    Scott toppled over, smacking the spider boy out of the air with a flailing arm as he went down. Scott landed on his back just before turning back to normal size and removed his face plate.
    "Does anyone have any orange slices?" he asked with a grimace.
    I looked down at him. "Ya did good, Scott. Just stay down for a bit, yeah?"
    "Yeah... yeah. Sounds like a plan." Scott groaned as he laid his head back down on the cement.
    I looked toward Wanda and saw Vision was kneeling beside her, holding her in his arms. I then looked to the sky to see the Quinjet take off.
    I smiled slightly at their escape, but it fell quickly because War Machine was flying after them.
    "Sam..." I said over the comm.
    "I'm on it." he replied, flying after War Machine and now Tony. Sam fired a small device that caused three explosions in the air by War Machine.
    Clint looked at me. "They're gonna make it out of here."
    "It's not them I'm worried about," I muttered as I glanced towards Wanda and Vision, the stone in his head shining a bright yellow before blasting a beam of energy towards Sam in the air.
    "Sam!" Clint and I yelled.
    We watched as Sam tucked and dropped out of the way of the beam, but the beam hit War Machine in the center of his suit and he began to fall out of the air.
    I charged up my energy and thrusted myself into the air, flying after the free falling suit of armor - Tony and Sam doing the same. I just happened to reach him first. 
    I grabbed onto the suit and tried to jumpstart it by transferring some of my energy to it, but it just wasn't working.
    "Fuck!" I exclaimed. "Whelp, I guess it's time for plan B." I looked down at the rapidly approaching ground and used all my power to form a bubble around me and War Machine. It's basically a shield made up of my energy but unlike me charging an object this will protect us and not cause an explosion. 
    "This is gonna hurt like a bitch, man, but at least you won't die." I muttered to the armored man, not exactly sure if he was conscious or not. "Please buckle your seatbelts as we are preparing for landing." I joked.
    We hit the ground creating a crater, the energy shield around us protecting us from too much damage; we still got injured no doubt but hey- we didn't die!
    I laid in the dirt looking up at the sky, focusing on my breathing - it felt like I was being crushed by a ton of bricks. There was a sharp pain in my right arm, it's probably broken, and there was blood coming out of my nose and I'm pretty sure my bottom lip is busted. I coughed slightly as I shifted.
     I heard someone land next to us, it was Tony. He kneeled down next to his friend and pulled the faceplate off, throwing it somewhere behind him.
     "Read vitals." he told his AI.
     "Heartbeat detected. Emergency medical is on their way."
     Just then Sam landed next to me. He looked down at me with a look that silently asked if I was okay, and I just gave him a nod. My injuries probably aren't as severe as Rhodes' because I'm not knocked out.
     Sam looked at Tony. "I'm sorry."
     Tony blasted him with an energy blast from the palm of his suit and he went flying, landing a foot away from me.
     I pulled myself up into a sitting position as Vision glided down to the ground and stood in front of Sam. I looked at Tony as he held Rhodes' head in his hand. 
     "If I say sorry are you going to blast me too?"

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