Knowing that Tony was here, and that it was probably going to be a fight to get to the helicopter that Clint had set up, Steve had come up with a plan that separated all of us but at least kept us in pairs so that made me feel a little better. I would have preferred to stay with Bucky because I promised to help him, but being with steve was good too... oh, and Scott was here.
    Steve looked at me. "Ready?"
    "Not really. But it doesn't matter, does it?" I smirked as I put my staff onto my back. Steve smiled and made sure everyone else was in position.
    "You ready, Lang?" I asked as he put his helmet on.
    "Of course, energy lady." Scott nodded. He pressed a button on his suit and shrunk down. I raised my eyebrows and picked up the tiny Scott Lang.
    "Very impressive Mr. Lang," I said as I set him on Steve's shield.
    "Why, thank you."
    "Alright, let's go." Steve nodded my way.
    I nodded and we walked through an underpass and saw the helicopter we were supposed to leave in. Steve and I jogged our way onto the private runway, heading to the helicopter. However, an electro-disabler slammed onto it causing Steve and I to look up.
    We saw Iron Man and the fake Iron Man (that I now know as War Machine) landed.
    Tony retracted his helmet and made eye contact with me. His eyes held relief, but I could sense that he was feeling something else as well... he was feeling conflicted.
    I winced when I noticed his black eye. Shit, I knew he had a few scrapes from his battle with Bucky, but I didn't think he'd have that huge black eye.
    "Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" He asked, looking at War Machine.
    "Definitely weird."
    Steve looked at Tony. "Hear us out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this."
    This was the plan, we were to distract them the best we could while the others stole their Quinjet.
    Just then T'Challa leapt over a truck and landed in a cliche superhero pose before standing up. "Captain. Miss (L/n)."
    "Your highness." Steve and I said in unison.
    "Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony looked at Steve and I.
    Steve shook his head. "You're after the wrong guy."
    "Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday."
    I rolled my eyes. "And there are five more super soldiers just like him. We can't let the doctor find them first, Tony... We can't."
    Natasha walked up behind Steve and I, we both turned to look at her. "Steve... you know what's about to happen. You both do. Do you guys really wanna punch your way out of this one?"
    I looked at Steve and gave a shrug and a small nod then looked back to Tony.
    Tony sighed and rolled his eyes. "All right, I've run out of patience." He brought his hands up to his mouth. "Underoos!" He yelled.
    A small figure in a red and blue suit swung in behind Steve and I on what seems like a web? The person then shot another web and stole Steve's shield (And scott), then shot mine and Steve's hands, binding them.
    "Nice job, kid." Tony praised.
    I furrowed my eyebrows. "A kid?" I whispered. "The fuck man?"
    Why bring a kid to fight adults? This kid probably doesn't even know what's going on.
    "Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit... Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's- it's perfect. Thank you." The kid ranted.
    I rolled my eyes, that was the reason that I didn't stay at the X Mansion that long, kids were just annoying.
    Tony shook his head and glanced at the kid. "Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation."
    "Okay. Cap... Captain. Big fan. Miss, I- I don't know who you are, but I'm sure you're pretty cool. I'm Spider-Man." Spider-Man introduced himself, I could feel that he was nervous.
    "Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just..." Tony rolled his eyes.
    "Hey, everyone." Spider-Man gave a small wave.
    "...Good job." Tony sighed.
    Steve smirked slightly. "You've been busy."
    I looked down at my hands and then up to Tony as I started to form a little energy in my hands. This is why you don't restrain my hands.
    "And you've been a complete idiot." Tony frowned. "Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep..." he paused his eyes glancing towards me then back to Steve. "...I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."
    Whelp, that doesn't really mean anything to me. I'm not an Avenger. Hell, I wasn't even an X-Men. But not gonna lie, I thought Tony was going to address me in some way too but.. guess not.
    "You did that when you signed." Steve frowned.
    I nodded. "That's a great point." I looked at Tony and nodded my head in Steve's direction. "I like that point."
    Tony shook his head at me and sighed.  "Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. Now! Because it's us or a squad of J-SOC guys... with no compunction about being impolite." He yelled.
    Steve looked at me. I looked at him then we both looked back to Tony.
    "Come on." Tony pleaded.
    "We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway." Sam radioed.
    Steve gave a small nod and held up his hands, allowing Clint to shoot it off. I used my energy blast to get the web off. Tony turned around towards where the arrow came from and put his helmet back on.
    "Alright, Lang." I said over the comm.
    "You got it." Scott then turned big, kicked Spider-Man in the chin, flipped and took the shield and ran back to Steve and I.
    "I believe this is yours, Captain America." He said dramatically as he handed over the shield. I smirked and looked at Tony.
    Just then Tony and War Machine lifted off the ground, Tony flying away and War Machine hovering above us.
    "Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes." War machine said.
    "Barnes is mine!" T'Challa yelled sprinting away.
    I looked at Steve. "Who do I take down Cap, the kid or the one who can fly?"
    "Whatever one you think you can handle." He said as he ran after T'Challa.
    I looked up at War Machine. "I'm not gonna hit a kid, so... Scott, you sure you can handle Natasha?"
    "Yeah, I got her. You fight the metal guy," he waved me off as he turned to face the red head.
    I cracked my knuckles and sent an energy blast towards War Machine, his suit must have warned him because he quickly dodged it. I raised an eyebrow as I waited what he was going to so in return. Maybe he was talking over the comms with his team.
    I sent another blast, because I couldn't use my staff- not when he's flying. This one hit him and sent him flying. He landed into a truck causing a huge dent.
    I winced. "Ouch... my bad." I turned to see natasha best Scott who had miniaturized. I turned back to war machine to see him walking towards me in his suit. I grabbed the staff off my back, thankful that it was made out of Adamantium. I swung it at him, but he dodged it.
    "Look, I don't want to hurt you. I'm in a huge suit of metal and your not protected by anything really." He said.
    "I've fought bigger than you, metal or not. C'mon dude, don't be a wimp." I said, blasting him in the chest with some energy then striking him with my staff, once again he went flying.
    I looked around and noticed the spider kid was gone. Fuck.. he probably went after Bucky and Sam; Tony was fighting Wanda and Clint; steve was fighting T'Challa; and Scott was dueling with Natasha. Why did I have to fight the guy who won't hit me back?
    I saw War Machine in the air again, but this time holding a mace, he smacked it against Steve's shield.
    "Coming to you, Cap," I said over the comm and running towards him. I jumped into the air and kicked the man clad in metal square in the chest, sending him flying and away from Steve, who threw T'Challa a great distance away.
    Steve looked at me. "Thanks." He said breathing a little heavily.
    "Was nothing. The guy wouldn't hit me back so," I shrugged, "guess he's too afraid to hit a girl."
    Steve smiled slightly.
    "Hey, Cap, heads up!" Scott yelled as he threw Steve a miniature truck. "Throw it at this. Now!" Scott directed as he threw something else. Steve threw the truck and it enlarged as it hit whatever Scott threw. It was tumbling toward War Machine.
    The truck landed and exploded.
    Scott ran up to us. "Oh, man. I thought it was a water truck."
    I looked at him then back to the explosion. "I could've done that a long time ago, dude."
    "Uh... sorry." Scott called as the three of us ran away. We met up with Clint, Wanda, Sam and Bucky.
    "There's our ride." Clint said as we all spotted the Quinjet.
    "Come on!" Steve yelled. We all ran towards the jet, but it wasn't going to be that easy. Of course it wouldn't be.
    A fizzing stream of energy sliced across the runway causing us to stop. I looked up and saw Vision hovering over us.
    "Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now." He said as Tony's team arrived.
    I clenched my jaw. If they wanted a fight so be it, but we're not the bad guys here. My grip tightened on my staff and I glanced st Steve. "You ready, Cap?"
    He gave a small nod.
    "What do we do?" Sam asked.
    Steve gripped his shield. "We fight."

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