The merging of two alliances

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Ottoman empire pov
I was watching the news when I saw that the African union and NATO fused with each other... I quickly began funneling money into the improvement of my economy and military as I focused on stabilizing the more problematic states to prevent rebels from them as I also improved my laws to make them more fair to keep my stability at 98%. I then got an invitation from Spanish Empire to merge the central powers with the ANP and to name the alliance the Central powers pact or CPP for short which is signed by both members of ANP.... I smiled as German empire and Austria Hungary also got the letter and told me to accept it as this could make us stronger than U2C. ( United 2 continets ) Spanish Empire and me then made it official on the news as we then heavily invested in Ethiopia and Austria Hungary who are the weak links of CPP currently with defenses being set up in the Spanish Empire and me to prepare for the eventual war against U2C with CPP on my side.

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