The Scottish rebellion and rebirth of the British empire

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UK pov
I was sitting around when Scotland declared independence from me so I got my troops ready and sent them over and ask for U2C support with it being.... DENIED?! THOSE ASSHOLES I AM ONE OF THE FIRST NATO MEMBERS AND U2C MEMBERS AND THEY TREAT ME LIKE THIS?! I then calmed down as I decided to ask the CPP for aid with the Ottoman empire allowing it under the condition that I leave U2C which I gladly do as I leave it then I see German and Ottoman troops enter my lands as they began to integrate themselves with my forces as we begin to push even more as the Scottish now have less troops with 10 of my troops and volunteers to 2 of their troops... I smiled as more and more of the Scottish lands are retaken as we approach their capital.

Scotland pov
I was in worry as I ask for U2C support with them granting it.. I was surprised at this as I see U2C troops pull in as they begin to force the British and their allies to go into defensive positions way before my capital.... I sighed in relief as the troops began to push back extremely slowly. This made me smirk as more of my manpower returned as more divisions came to the front line once again but it wasn't enough to make us push faster as we went into defensive positions to prevent ourselves from losing too much manpower.

Ottoman empire pov
I was with the UK as I brought in more tanks and began to invest into the British economy as this is a huge hit to their economy and I refuse to have my allies fall that easily. I then smile as their economy booms as the Spanish and Austrian Hungarians also send forces to help as we push the Scottish even more towards their own capital. I smiled as 5 months later the Scottish government sues for peace as the UK annex them as they also join CPP for our aid in their civil war... I smile as the U2C got weaker with CPP growing stronger as we begin to invest in the Uk as this probably destroyed the stable economy that they had before the civil war as the British also rename themselves the British empire so that we know their goals. The British also began helping us in trying to get the French on our side in the alliance.

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