Part 13

77 11 7

Her eyes the warmest shade of chocolate brown

Her lips curve into the cutest smile

Her cheeks flush, with tinged tanned skin

Her mind is a testament, that her beauty comes from within

Her shy but playful nature

Her innocent self the cutest of all her features

She can curse and I would stiII find her cute

You wouId too if onIy you saw my Princess

Her giggIe is a IuIIaby to my ears

Her voice, playful and sweet, as she whispers, every word

Her mischievous smile when she does something

She makes every day of my Iife, worth Iiving

CaII me biased, but I'm just a guy in love

Every day just seems to pass by

Her face comes up, hugging me closer, every night when I close my eyes

And I smile.

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