Part 14

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I'm sure.

Of the tears she had shed

Of the nights she had to lay wide awake in bed

I'm sure. 

I won't ever be the same again

I'll miss the sensation of his shoulder against my head

The times he made me realize there is so much more to life than


Something she promised I wouldn't feel again.

Whatever we had felt before, was it all in vain?


No, I'm not, somebody stop the voices.

Only he could, but he's gone, the only thought beset upon my brain


I am, of the fact it'll be okay.

For him

For her

For both of us, again.


It has been a long time, hasn't it-?

Well, let's just say someone convinced me I should start again sooo, let's start with something short, lessgooo-

I apologize to everyone waiting for the updates, I have been in a rather permanent pickle, but Im back, and I hope you all are too<3

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