Just like The Other Day

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Every single tear that drops

Every single time he cries.

One more piece of him, just doesn't want to try.

Every single time,

A little piece of him dies.

He hits them up...hoping they would want to know, at least ask if he is okay.

But nope...they say hey, and it's just like that every other day.

Every time he tries for attention, that's a silent plea for help.

Every time, he wishes them bye, he wants to ask them to not go, and stay.

I am here for you, "Talk to me anytime you want"~

But...empty words, that's all they are...now.

The ignoring..is just... nonchalant.

Definitely not humans...a nickname reserved for a few.

An inside joke, a harmless one at that too~

...but he doesn't feel like a human anymore...does he..?

A talk, gathering. 

Then, half dead.

It finally whispered its last breath..

On a lifeline, there it was, memories, banters, now lost to the silence of death.

Even if they ask...what's wrong, he can't say it...can he?

He knows it won't be genuine...like it was once before..~

Rescue comes, only cause they want to help.

Not only cause the victim, or the distressed, asked them to, do they..?~

Now when he says, he is okay, even when he is not..

And, they will say oh...then, okay.

And they will go away, without passing another thought~

Just like every other day...~

Just like every other day~

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