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•I don't have much to offer apart from a heart you've already taken.

I can't grasp just how much, together we have forsaken.

Moments we have had, a small few seconds or minutes seemingly lasting forever.

What I wouldn't do to have one more, to cherish, to savor.

It's Time itself I call upon,

To grant us a small break once, against an onslaught of life's endless challenges.

To hold you is a dream,

To be in your arms, a hallucination I never want to break out of.

As silly as it might seem,

these are just words but they are words behind which stands an array of emotions and feelings.

Which I perhaps might never let go of.

Your smile makes me want to keep it forever enclosed in an enchanted picture.

Never fading and forever still. Putting it in words of a writer I was fond of,

"If rain were people, she was a hurricane and I, a drizzle."

Love is a word too easily used but to me it's a reminder of how I see you.

Every moment, second and minute.

Philophobia, the fear of falling in love.

Is there a name I wonder, for falling out of one?

The sky cries, but for me or you?

My heart's already shattered, I can already hope yours was at least true. Alone I ponder, after all this time

Should I stop wanting you to be mine?

Your every word, brings me solace

Your laughter, the sweetest melody on this planet.

Should I give up, are you too good to be true?

Maybe not, as my entire universe revolves around you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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