Round one: Judging

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Hello, hello!~

The first round is on it's way and I do hope all of you are excited. Your one-shots have been sent in and now is the time we've all been waiting for - judging.

So, first of all, I shall remind you on how we'll be judging your one-shots.

The judges will be all the members of the club, who are currently available: @RiverIvy, @FloralArtistry, @calliope95, @Grenineon, @Skarmory_Rider, @Luminescence22, @Scarlet_Regar and @ForeverMoonlight.

We will judge your writing based on the following:

Grammar: /10

Vocabulary: /10

Flow and pace: /10

Originality: /10

Other elements: /10

Total: /50

Pretty self-explanitory, right?

Anyways, the judges have time to give their points until the end of this week. This means that judges, your decisions must be sent in on 8th Mar the latest! Results for contestants and followers to see shall be posted either on the same day or a day after - 9th Mar.

In the mean time, me and Ivy will be posting all of the one-shots entered in this book, two writings in one chapter. 

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Since @NFKimmy, unfortunately, didn't manage to send her one-shot in time, @Dragons_Rose will be automatically moving on to the next round!

That's pretty much all we have to say for now, so remember:

Contestants - be patient, read one-shots from your opponents and stay confident until the end!

Watchers - read, support and don't forget to CHEER ON! ;3

Have a nice day,

~ GRA | Admin Helsu

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